VN - Ren'Py - UFO [Ch.3 v0.6.7] [17MOONKEYS]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is like a 3.5 star for me, but I'm rounding up because its a story I haven't seen exactly before.

    The premise is: Aliens visited earth in the year 202X. They abducted a male (you) and a female (dark skinned thicc woman) and put them in cryostorage. These humans would turn out to stay in cryostorage for over 1000 years due to unplanned events. During this time, humanity created advanced semi-synthetic robotics, producing simulated humanity in the form of robots ranging from those with more utilitarian purposes to straight up sex bots. A trio of two sex bots and one utility bot would happen across the abandoned UFO that abducted you and your female companion, releasing you from cryostorage. After being released, you soon find out that sexuality plays a key part in the modern world, but there are immanent risks to your existence that you must address.

    It's a fun story that I'm looking forward to. I really only have two complaints, one that is an opinion and the other that will work itself out in time:
    • Opinion: Why isn't the female the MC's step mom? I understand the Dev has reservations with incest, but is step-cest off the table too? It seems like such an obvious write-in... 99% of the dialog could stay the same as well, and this is how the story should look: Your dad recently married this exotic woman down on her luck and looking for a better way or something, she faked liking your dad but couldn't bother to fake liking you... you two get abducted shortly after she joins your family, she hates it/you, has moral/religious conflict due to sexitimes, but you twist her into your breeding bitch over the story... So obvious, so good, just free taboo waiting to be tapped... Honestly could be better than actual incest. But no. It's just some random woman... Literally ANYTHING would be better than her just being a random woman lol.
    • What will work itself out in time: the amount of content. There's nothing worth fapping to in the game yet, to put it frankly. The story is quite early-on, and unclear as to how it will develop.
    • The game really needs audio, I'm so tired of mute games.
    • It's all still images, animations would have been nice but if the dev can make the dialog and images in the sex scenes very rewarding, it can work... remains to be seen.
    Edit: Wish I could delete my review lol, but I can't so... just pulling down to 3 stars. I don't really care for futa and totally was not expecting it to be added. Haven't played the update that added it and don't plan to. If a mod wants to delete this I'm cool with that.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all: I love this game. The story is like a sexual dream come true (for me) and the models are fitting perfectly to it. Sex dolls should be looking unrealistic in a sexual manner, and the game dev does a great job here. Also, the mom character Aisha absolutely got me - bushy (y)and filled with pleasure through drugs is just awesome. She definitely should get the main focus for the boy. He should make her pregnant more than once (pls) and if she is pregnant, he (of course) should try the other entry, too. I hope she fails to lose her weight - the boy should convince her, that she just looks perfect and bring her enough clothes, that she doesn't matter anymore.

    • models and renders are amazing, esp. Aisha (don't change, keep them busty and curvy)
    • setting and story is simply good so far
    • music and sex sounds (pls more!)
    • no animations
    • cum shots (should be animated too, buts it's early)
    • linear story with no changing choices
    • no help from the dolls (sex dolls but no sex?)
    Normally I would give this game a clear 5 star, but without animations it's a 4. If this changes I'll upgrade my voting for sure. Can't wait to see the next chapter!! Request: Pls make an Aisha-Banner:love:. Thanks!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I just found this game a few days ago.

    After reading a few reviews apparently people hate it and have been waiting for content for a long while. Maybe the game gad a recent overhaul kuz I really enjoyed it.

    From what I can gather, the story is about a young-looking guy who was abducted by aliens over 1000yrs ago. Sex Dolls then find the derelict space ship finding him and an Arabic milf in cryostasis. Their ship is damaged and they need MC's help getting a spare engine part.

    In chapters one, you get an introduction to the characters and an explanation of what the Sex Dolls are, and how Humanity has gone extinct. Seems like MC and Asha are the last 2 humans (I hope they get to repopulate! Kuz I find Asha super sexy. She CHONKY!)

    Anywho, great intro to the 3 ship girls (Blonde Milf, Arabic Milk Mommy, and busty sister type)
    I like that the game isn't super serious about its world building, it's very relaxed.
    Mc is pretty generic, but imo it's not that big a deal. I mean you come out of Cryosleep after being found by genetically engineered Sex Dolls named Pamela and Barbie ...

    Looking forward to Ep2, the plot is kicking up and a routine mission to fix the spaceship is anything but.

    Def worth looking into. Busty girls, an understandable plot that isn't very heavy handed. And an intro to a Sex Doll filled space romp.

    I don't understand the 1 star reviews ...
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on V0.3.3

    If you're going for an adult VN (Or in this case, a KN because no choices are available yet) your initial offering REALLY needs to wow your audience with one of the following:

    Amazing visuals (To have something pretty to look at while fastclicking through the text).

    A genuinely gripping story so that the audience really cares what happens to the people & the world they inhabit

    Superb smut so that the audience can get their jollies regardless of the quality of the character models and writing.

    UFO, unfortunately, fails to make a splash in any of those categories. It does nothing horribly wrong but as of V0.3.3 also does nothing -right- in such a way that makes it stand out from the hundreds of similar style games on this site.

    This game does itself no favor by having very little content at all, as it offers, if you're generous or a very slow reader, a 15min demo in which nothing really happens. You get few pseudo-sex scenes, some uninspired loredumps and a story that has a lot of words but actually says very little.

    As stated above, your demo NEEDS to wow your (potential) audience so that they stick around for your next updates, eager for more.

    UFO unfortunately fails to decisively deliver at any of the earlier-mentioned points.

    The character models aren't bad looking, but they're about as cookie-cutter as they go. So, there really isn't any spectacular eyecandy strutting around to keep my attention.

    Storywise its premise is a smidge more interesting than the default generic current-day cookie-cutter seduction romp, but the story is 0% show, 100% tell. And what it tells isn't good.

    Here I can pick out some actual things that made me cringe hard and lose interest.

    MC is abducted by aliens. Aliens are given ONE line explaining they're now dead when the ship is boarded by the dolls. They're a literal plot vehicle to get the MC onto the ship then immediately get tossed into the nearest dumpster to make room for the main cast.

    MC has ZERO lines of dialogue in which he is affected by either being a thousand years in the future or being told he's the last man alive. He's either brainwashed, brain-damaged, a cocktail of so many "-paths" that would make even social dumpsterfires like myself raise serious alarms, or possibly repressing so hard he's going to break apart in the next version.

    MC just does things, never reflects on his actions, no motivations beyond "I want to do X because I want to." and fails to meaningfully interact with -anyone- at all. It's honestly really creepy and reinforces the idea that there's something genuinely WRONG with the MC's mental health.
    If that's actually where the author wants to go though, then kudo's to them, but I haven't gotten the feeling anywhere else that this might turn dystopian horror in the next scene.

    Smut-wise there's barely anything there. A smidgen of teasing and some boobs and you've honestly had it all.

    There's zero gameplay, the only choice you're given is which name your character has. It's a Kinetic Novel that doesn't tell a good story.

    All in all, I would rate it a 2.5/5, rounded down because there simply isn't much to judge yet either way. But on the whole this isn't really worth spending the 15min of clicking through yet. Too little happens, and what little does happen isn't memorable in a good or bad way.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a "kinetic novel", basically a visual novel but without any actual player interaction.
    A "book" with more pictures, an "e-graphic novel", whatever. That's not really a bad thing, but I figure I should warn you that you have absolutely no control over anything and you will be forced into content you like AND dislike, whether you want to or not.

    As for the actual plot you're a guy that looks like a kid who gets abducted by aliens who freeze you and you (and a woman) end up being rescued by a bunch of Daz3D bimbo sex-doll androids flying in a literal Star Trek ship a thousand years later. You have sex, get introduced to everyone, have sex, get introduced to the ship, and told to run an errand and the game ends for now.

    The content mainly consists of... mostly just talking and looking at things, and a few awkward lewd scenes between you and the other rescued woman who's basically your adoptive mom.

    Realtalk I'm dinging the score a little because the "intro" to the story is long-winded, and because there's no way to skip or talk your way out of scenes you're not interested in, forcing you into the main character's likes and dislikes, rather than your own, which isn't so bad so far, but becomes a bigger problem in the future unless you've got a wide range of interests and few dislikes/turnoffs, especially considering the lengthy list of content the dev is planning.

    Anyway, I'm rambling. Go check out one of the earlier posts in the thread that covers all the things planned for the story and make a decision based on that.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just started playing the game in this version (V0.3.3) I really like the theme of shota and milf/bimbo/bbw so for me that's a plus. The world and environment setting is great, the models are beautiful and although some are "recycled" they are somehow enhanced and are of the most popular so another plus for that. The game is just in the second chapter and has an incredible amount of potential not only about sex, world and story wise but I'm a little afraid of the "kinetic novel" and some kinks and tags that I don't like at all so one of my recommendations for the author is to let us choose what sex scenes we want to watch and I don't know about future plans from the game but the first episode let me with a taste of a potencial sandbox game and my last recommendation that's linked with the kinks and tags is that you could let us build the personality of the MC even if are those choices that are good/evil, yes/no or something like that.
    I wish you good luck to 17MOONKEYS in this project and I must congratulate you for what've you done so far, I'll be watching this game and as the game progress I'm gonna update my review.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So amazing game! the story and the characters are so hot, it has a really amazing 3d models and I get engaged with the game argument! I really love this game! If you want to play a spacial adventure with hot milfs you could give it a try! :)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I know the story of this game sounds silly and even i doubted the game would be any good But i enjoyed it little bit short And would love to see a gallery
    Renders are really good
    I love the story and the big titty aliens :BootyTime:
    I'm really looking forward to updates and the story
    no bugs
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A good start with some significant Pros and Cons.

    The Good:
    - It's a fun and campy concept that isn't worn out.
    - Renders are good, very few images I thought could be better.
    - Music matches the campy atmosphere/story.
    - Grammer isn't bad. Could be better.

    The Bad:
    - Very short.
    - Characters aren't really developed.
    - Story needs developing.

    The Ugly:
    - Transitions. Needed.

    The game seems true to the dev's intent. Not my genre of VN but I actually enjoyed this one so kudos to the dev. If I can enjoy an off genre VN then you are doing something right. Keep up the good work.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this VN. It is fun, and a bit quirky, and the premise seems fresh and fun to me. The MC looks like a kid but it seems he is going to grow a bit thanks to his rescuers. Pamela is surface of the sun hot, as is Aisha (hey, I like full figured babes), and Barbie is rockin as well. Loved it so much I am supporting the dev on Patreon. Really looking forward to see where this gem goes! Heartiest congrats to the dev, and my highest recommendation as well.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Rev 0.3.1a
    I actually stopped what I was playing through to check this out. I appreciated that the dev put in an earnest request for honest feedback, so thought I would see what this one is all about.

    The Good:
    • BREAST EXPANSION!! (or so I'm given to believe)
    • The female models are hot. Smokin' hot. All 3 of 'em.
      • The breasts are more than ample/large. I also love this. The girls don't look "bimbo-y", either.
    • This story doesn't take itself too seriously, neither should you.
    • LOVE the MC's relationship with Aisha as the first night rolls on.

    The Bad:
    • Dev needs to auto-transition between scenes. I'mma say this until all devs do it, because going from one VN to another and getting used to having to/not having to manually transition is cumbersome. Just make it a standard as a dev. Especially if there are any black frames between transitions.
    • Kinda weird that the opening scene is a dude in his PJs sitting criss-cross on his lawn with a stuffed animal, presumably meditating. No one does that.
    • Pamela has a surprisingly small ass, considering her overall voluptuous figure.
    • Minor issues with the English grammar. Nothing some solid proofreading wouldn't fix.
    • Dev needs to create more images and create animations. This game shows SERIOUS promise if they do; robes coming undone from one frame to the next with no hands moving, etc.

    The Weird:
    • I would assume that - if Pamela and others aboard the rescue ship - are "aliens", they would likely have distinct speech patterns
    • Really hoping "President Eva Rump" isn't a loose reference to one "Trump" family. That would be disappointing.

    Bottom line: if you want substantive, meaningful storytelling - this ain't the sex doll you're looking for. If you want a light-hearted, somewhat cheesy, very predictable VN with a lot of fantasy and to satsify your inner shall have it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Man I had absolute fun playing it till 0.3.1b (Shame on you DEV for blueballing us). Its got a totally new vibe, really good renders, BUT DIALOGUE DELIVERY can be further improved.
    Take you time and make the game, DON'T RUSH and spoil it bud.
    and Thanks for the game
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Hey lack of content and a little missing character development (like why did Aisha lose the hijab) get it a four star but that can easily change once more content comes out, and best of wishes to your future endeavors and updates stay safe man thanks for the time and effort that went into this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    I really like this a lot but I do think the dialogue is pretty mediocre. The premise is excellent but the dialogue just seems like it could be a lot better/more immersive/hot for the premise. Kinda like how there's "bad pornos" with super fake dialogue, this game has pretty mediocre dialogue like a lot of other games. I really wish I could at least customize the dialogue myself to improve it just for myself but it seems like it's one of those games that locks the dialogue somewhere. The visuals/renders/designs are all really quite good. The scene ideas/premise/story/pacing/personalities are all good or very good. It's just how it's executed in dialogue that's kinda meh. Like an example of this is I love the premise of the sex dolls finding the MC and also that one of them is an earlier model but I feel like they just talk like any other generic female character in an erotic game. I feel like it's a missed opportunity to have more of the sex doll/robot fetish especially with the earlier model because it could've been like "since she's an earlier model, they didn't fine tune the natural feel of her dialogue" kind of thing. There's also a lot of little things in the dialogue that I think could be improved for the end result too.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Render quality is top notch. Skin shaders and character head & body morphs are very high quality. These are attractive women in both face and body, that is hard to pull off in 3D. I hate 99% of 3D porn, but that 1%, if done right, can lead to some nice erotica.

    Story is interesting and somewhat fresh. You've got to re-populate humanity, and you got these busty women around, hmm.

    Music is good.

    It's definitely worth downloading and trying, especially to check out the high quality renders.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking good for now. Still in very early stages, it looks like the dev has a vision and I like that vision. Models are nice. Story is on point, as in it makes sense if you allow yourself to fall for it. I don't consume audio while playing so I can't comment on that.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.3.1b(i will update it in the future, if i remember to do so XD)

    The Good

    - The general graphic of the game: It's good-looking and personally, aside a few nitpicks there is nothing to say, it's good.

    The Annoying

    - (Nitpicky) The actual renders of characters: Pamela and Barbie are similar and that ticks me off a little: Both blondies, with pink lips, huge breasts, very...bimbo-like(which is not my thing) their main differences are their names and their actual body size. Aisha is good-looking, i like her...but i chuckled at MC saying "She is so naturally beautiful"(but unless she developed genetically in those two weeks, she has eye-shadows, red lipstick and possible makeup..Does Quran allow makeup and that kind of stuff? I recall to be insane on women showing herself...not mentioning the region where the Quran's "rules" are even harsher).
    - (Nitpicky) The premise of the plot...i mean MC wakes up, get told that he will do a mission soon...and then what? The game is short so far(first releases, i understand ^^) but i expected that Pamela would at least say what the crew plans to do once MC did the mission with Alfred...even a single mention, i mean we have this guy waking up, with a Muslim human woman, mankind is extinct, i'm wild-guessing that they will try to repopulate? But meanwhile? what they(i mean the whole crew) will do? Try to go back to Earth? And that's it?Despite 1000 years are passed and there is only one town habited by sex-dolls and aliens?I feel like the group didn't plan ahead(which for MC and Aisha makes sense, but Pamela, Barbie and Alfred??)

    The Bad

    - Nothing really, like i said i have nitpicky issue but they go in the "The Annoying" section, the bad is for things that i believe need an asap change(like major bugs, game-breaking mechanics or big noticeable plotholes)

    Conclusion: I'm posting the review because the dev stated that he/she needs feedbacks, and i'm giving it hoping for the best. The game is right in the middle between "a bad game" and a “good game”. It's started good, but the amount of content is very little, even for a third release(if it's a third release XD, the changelog said that it's not a first release, so i'm guessing there was a v0.2 and that the dev didn't jump to v0.3 directly XD). In the end, i'm hopeful for this game: although it's not a game that i would usually play, it's intriguing in its own way and got me curious, that's good ^^.

    1° PS: My nitpicky issues...shouldn't be counted because mostly involve my personal tastes, you can read them, acknowledge them, but they aren't urgent things. The game is small so far, and i basically wrote them because i didn't have any other issues about the game itself nor the dev.

    2° PS: I want to give a negative point not to the game, but to a particular group of users who commented in the game's thread: We have screenshots of the game, we have infos about the game itself, and you still have the nerve to complain about stuff for nearly no reasons but personal taste. While a part of me agrees with you, i must be honest with myself and everyone: I downloaded the game and tried it, meaning that i can't throw tantrums about personal dislikes, i saw what this game's deal is and still went for it. What i mean? If you saw the screenshots, and the texts about what the game is about...why are you whining? You don't like a game for personal reasons? Why bother commenting and spitting some vitriol on the dev and HIS CREATION? If you have nothing rational and critical to say...why just don't comment at all?
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    I wanted to wait for more content to evaluate this project which today demonstrates good potential, but I decided to evaluate it now because this dev for his enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated during these four months from the release are remarkable, especially for the desire to interact with everyone at the in order to improve and meet expectations as much as possible.
    That said, I reserve the right to review the game when the time comes.
    I know you can do it ... good luck.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Dear 17 Monkeys, you want an honest feedback, here it is. Idk when the last time was i liked an initial release that much..
    Visuals: The visuals are absolutely fine as they are. No need to improve on them .
    Sound: Not a lot but exactly where they were needed.
    Models: All three of them have their unique appeal and are enticing.
    Since this far we only know Aisha a bit better... Great Idea to make her muslim, not in an derogatory way but just as a little detail that give the character more depth. Having said that, did I mention that she is gorgeous ! She is.
    Dialog / Story: So far I love the premise. I loved the scene "its the 31st Century, which added next to the otherwise tense situation of beeing 1000 out of your timeline and afraif some light hearted fun.
    Since Aisha is special.. like last human woman, i would clearly go a sort of love route with her. Not that she should only have sex with the mc, after all they have to save the human race. Somehow she is already corrupted though the drug but thats not an obstacle as of beeing still on love terms.
    That leads us to impregnation which is for the story basically already set.
    How about a twist ? Since we are in the 31st century... Technology has improved and pregnance only last 3 months or so. Also technology improves growing speed of children. So that children can be able to reproduce within a year or so. Dont make it a week because you want to have a deep parentlike relationship too it. Have you notist that the door to incest opened itself ?! :)
    Last recomendation. There is no need to introduce too many sexpartner/ charackters. Give us the time to get to know the ones we have better. Trough the journeys I am sure there will be enough new charackters introduced...
    You are on a very very good start !
    PS: It s the first time I am writing so much.. but you asked for it
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    15 minutes of content.
    Milf character is very sexy and their scenes are really hot.
    Music is nice and the intro story is nice.
    Wishing there was more content.

    I'll edit the review once the game has more content.