Ren'Py - Stranded in Space [Days 1-19.5 Elysium] [WildMan Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a pearl!
    The renders are breathtaking.
    The Authentic characters.
    And I don't get bored for a second.
    I'm just missing .... a story for my A.I. And no one is looking for a way to access the missing modules or the causes .....

    A big BRAVO for the developpers
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    3.7 is the most accurate rating I would give this, or maybe a between a 6-7 out of ten.

    A unique take on VN, in a way It almost feels like a sandbox but isnt at all which I like.
    Every girl in the game is unique and has a personality unlike a majority of the games on this site.
    Funny dialogue and conversations between characters, I especially love Umiko, Tiffany, Camilla and Sasha. Not forgetting my queen Paige.
    Good renders and animations, also lewd scenes are well done.

    Everyday feels son long like I'm literally living on a spaceship for 24 hours. I have to read the chat( which although is interesting, takes up maybe 3 minutes, then I have to read each message from the girls which then takes up 3 minutes per message, usually 15 minutes for me to finish up on that.

    Also the conversations with some characters are son long, I get he's trying to do some character development as well but I hate having 5 minute dialogues with every character on the ship everyday. Shorten the conversations please if you can. The interactions are funny but could be made shorter.

    Finally the thing I hate most. Forced Lewd scenes. I cant decide who I'm fucking. This feels like a Harem game like WVM at times, a game I despise with all my soul but even in WVM I was capable of initiating which girls I'm putting in my Harem. Women are just jumping my bones and I dont have a choice. They're all attractive fine, but I dont want to fuck Ariel then fuck her sister, then fuck Raegan, then fuck Gigi .

    Let players choose which girls their interested in, just cause a girl jumps my bones doesn't mean I'm gonna fuck her immediately. I personally dont find Raegan attractive and that's me thing, so why should i be forced to see her scenes? This is like NTR or something.:cautious:
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Call of Booty

    I think this stuff is blast. Last update is long like 3-4 other games update. We have 16 girls,all different shapes and faces what is huge. They are all lovable with 16 different back up stories. Renders are beautiful and story is great with a lot of humor. If any of you think that is easy to keep everybody involved in each update,you're wrong. What make this game even greater is that with each update things are getting more and more interesting,not slowing down at all. Only what I would change is MC's dick thickness. It look so tiny...
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is good, girls and animations are A+
    I'm not a big VN fan mainly because the stories often just ramble.
    This game has that problem, the writing is like the Robert Jordan of Aduly VN. 1/4 of the text could be cut and it would not impact the story or world building. I finished, only cause the quality is so high. But for me, for it to be a the prefect VN, it needs a bit less. So many of the chats on the laptop each morning go nowhere and provide very little character development - many DO push character development though as well. Mainly, the writer here needs and editor, somebody to tighten everything up. Please

    That, and IHATE, HATE!!!!! how much weight is on remembering the girls names. I struggle remember real people's names, and this games reliance on making you remember their names in important decision without being able to see a face or bring u pa bio is a HUGE failing.

    Next time I play this, I'll have to screen shot each name and put it in a file with a few notes. Otherwise I don't think I can go through this game again. Not everybody memorises names instantly and the lack of a bio section that can be referred to just punishes people who have a problem with remembering names.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The dev is obviously a great writer - his dialogue for all the characters is really good, well written, believable (in a sci fi fictional setting) and pretty entertaining.

    The renders on the spaceship are A+, great scenes, really well thought out and absolute eye candy. Best I've seen in a long time.

    Sex scene animations are also very good.

    So far you're wondering why this game doesn't have 6 out of 5 stars right?

    Well unfortunately there isn't much "game" to it, it is really much more of a linear visual novel. None of the choices have much of an effect on the plot other than substituting one of 15 girls for another, deciding which memory to have a flashback of.

    There is a LOT of content in this game, but very little of it in the first 1-8 days is sex ... the fact that the lewd scenes are really good makes that actually more frustrating.

    I think this game has huge potential and I definitely enjoyed it - but I'm looking for a bit more choice in my games. Hoping that comes in future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a lurker, but its time to get out of my hidey hole because this game is criminally lacking in support! I usually feel there isn't anything I can say that hasn't already been said, but in this case I really felt a need to add my rating and review.

    I just played days 1 - 8, and the quality of this first release is astounding. The writing is excellent, clearly written by someone fluent in English. Sexual innuendo and nuance of the language are all present. The characters have unique personalities, and the underlying story has me hooked wanting more.
    While its too early to see how the choices will impact the story, there has been two major choices along with a number of mini choices (during chat). Speaking of the text chat, so far its interesting to read and adds to the characters and their individual stories.

    The character models look great and the render quality is high. This game is story before porn so far, but its not lacking in sex scenes. They aren't thrown at you, but happen naturally within the larger story, or fit within the writing of specific characters.

    Paige is great! Love the writing for her also.

    While the game is not quite a 5 (almost nothing is), its much closer to a 5 than a 4, and deserves more attention. To the creator, keep up the amazing work and I look forward to future releases.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this one. It is slow paced, but I believe it will be more rewarding in the end.

    A lot of girls, variety of size and shapes, amazing renders.

    It is well written, a lot of humour and flashbacks looks meaningful and foreshadowing.

  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I would like to start this review by stating that this is far from a straight 5* rating, but ultimately I feel it is closer to 5 than 4 stars. What I dislike about this game is that it reminds me at times of a kinetic novel where I have very little choices, very little room to customize my personality and barely influence the romantic progression. On the other hand, I cannot deny that many of the characters are well written, interesting and full of secrets to explore. Secondly, from what I played so far there seems to be a story both well written and deep enough to warrant some "direction" from the developers part. I am not a fan of harem games, but it makes sense in this fictional world and I am curious where this leads us ultimately, or if the game takes a different turn at some point, to question and challenge some of its initial premises. If that happens, I believe this rating is well deserved.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    My Reaction for this game: Amazing !

    ★ Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Story : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Animations: ✭✭✭✰✰
    ★ Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰

    Note :

    the developer working his ass for his game , amazing work his doing .

    u should definitely try it .

    ◉ All the best to the developer .
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it and wholeheartedly support it! The story is novel enough and mysterious enough and the mc is decent, level-headed and non-pervy enough and, especially noteworthy to me, reacts and plays his role almost as exactly as I feel I would in his jock strap.

    In terms of attractiveness, for my taste, the girls are variously drop-dead gorgeous down to above-average. They are all adorable enough, selectively goofy enough and all extremely personable. I particularly like that they come across as refreshingly natural, friendly and decently restrained in their approach, appetite for and attitude towards the mc despite his sudden and unexplained arrival.

    As others have encouragingly noted in here, there's also diversity enough in age, temperament and outlook to make the mc's conquest of however many he elects (or is, of course, elected) to have a relationship with, interesting and challenging, especially with the possible prospect of more females to awaken as time goes on.

    Given both the current and potential number of girls around I'm not entirely sure (perhaps yet?) of the value adding the female AI as well, but she does provide a distractive buffer separating what would otherwise presumably be an incessant interaction between mc and crew and also affording us some access to psychological and emotional insight into the girls which we would not normally receive and which might perhaps at some later stage be pertinent to the story.

    I find it's one of those great VNs where you can sit back and enjoy everything with little obscure or overt intrigue and no need of profound or sustained analysis of what's going on and who's the villain.

    There's quite a lot of good solid content already and I'm finding it all very refreshing and relaxing and as I said, I simply love it. This creator has made it very easy for me to decide whether or not his creation merits my ongoing support and whilst the quality continues I'll have no hesitation in giving it. I hope it will/can be the same for many others.

    Thanks a whole bunch for everything, Mr WildMan!! I'm looking forward to more and I feel confident make that "we"...shall not be disappointed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great all around. I love the MC inner dialogue. All the girls look top notch and are fun to interact with all around. The computer chats are a fun, unique addition that I look forward to every morning. I never rate games, but this one I felt I had to. GJ, Keep it going
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting concept. I really liked the dialog and the overall story. It feels like a lot of the characters are distinct enough to make getting to know them interesting. But for me there are too many characters, and even more are planned it seems like. That makes remembereing all of them difficult, especially between updates. The choice between Lira or Camilla as a neighbor is very simple, as the interaction with Lira was very brief and uninteresting. I would be surprised if a lot of people chose Lira. Maybe because they dislike the "femdom" aspect of Camilla
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    While I am not typically a fan of hallway VNs and strongly prefer a sandbox or semi sandbox style, this is one of the best in this type that I've ever played. There's already a lot of content, there is a large roster of very sexy and unique female characters, and I like what has been set up with the story and where it seems to be going. Absolutely fantastic, and I can't wait to see more.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Strannded in Space (The First Eight Days) This VN suffers the same as most 1st VNs, trying to get enough prose to actually make a whole novel.

    The AI implanted in MC's brain serves no other purpose but to add bulk! It doesn't do anything that might come to mind when one contemplates 'AI'. If there was a feature to skip everything involving the AI clown, that would make things much more tolerable!

    As it is, I couldn't make it through all 8 days. The idea of communicating by laptop when you're the only guy the other passengers will see for years to come is utterly ridiculous, not something anyone would actually do.

    You'll notice in the preceding paragraph I didn't mention the rest of the characters are women. Readers will swear I did. But there's a big difference between allowing the reader's mind to work, and overtly stating the MC is the only guy on a ship otherwise inhabited by women, at least 100x!

    Given the circumstances, the MC could get to know the girls, and they'd be competing for his attention after one day. They wouldn't talk about anything else! They would all dress and act to attract him.

    They haven't seen a male in over 10 years! GRANTED, they were in cryostasis, but they would be thinking of it as 10 years! However, the MC has no traits women find attractive, except physical traits, and women are not hung up on those like men are,

    The black screen telling when someone leaves the room can just be deleted. Serves no sound purpose but adding frames. The basic mentality of the story is high-schoolish relationships applied to fantasy.

    None of the characters are well developed, because it takes more than age, weight, tit size, work ethic, sluttiness and degree of desperation to develop characters.

    The MC is best compared to stale bread. There is zero interesting about him. He comes across as a pansy-ass wimp except during sex. His degree of masculinity makes it appear as though the VN was written by adolescent females! WHOEVER it is, they don't appear to know much about testosterone!

    Men like big butts due to their own low-T! Big butts indicate experienced women who are more easily impregnated,. (Works for low sperm count) and who can survive a week without food, without damage to her offspring, because her wimpy mate lacks hunting prowess and masculinity.

    We can see this at work in the world with males who turn to their laptops for a girlfriend, preferring thick asses! I have normal testosterone levels, so I'm attracted to virginal forms, like every other masculine male.

    The story also sounds like a public-service announcement that women are people, not objects! They are, but this is a fantasy,,so things can be different!

    I would have made all the characters but the MC ROMAN CATHOLIC VIRGINS, except for a Priest. Once a guy reaches age 25, he'll realise that older men are like aged wine while older women are like aged chicken!

    The prose are mostly grammatically correct, which is not the case with many x-rated VNs. The art is excellent! It's what got me as far as I got in the story, about to day 5.

    In defense of the creator, I have seen VNs in which the first third could be replaced with one frame. I REALIZE I may sound critical, but it's so easy to fix. Just get someone who can write to help out!

    I wouldn't take the time to type out this whole review on a tablet if I didn't see hope. In fact, I'd consider forking off this VN, just so the creator could see the potential.

    But, I'd need a lot more material to work with!

    I imagine the MC just inviting the girls to his quarters. The interruptions, far from being a suspense element, are predictable and irritating. The MC is a zero except in bed where he's a stud muffin. JUST DOESN'T WORK!!

    He should be able to solve problems that occur on the ship, not dead baggage who eats, shits and fucks! No one wants to be 'that' guy!

    Every element should be 'possible'! And, all women want children! They should be examining the MC from the view of the offspring his seed would produce! They might make deals among themselves for who gets to sleep with him!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I expected something good after seeing so many good reviews but the game is an actual rollercoaster... Lemme reiterate starting with the negatives.
    Lets start with the story.
    It seems really intriguing at 1st glance. You wake up your background is a mystery,there's a problem with the ship ect. ect. but then you enter the circus with all that running around behind the girls. You seem to have an AI in your head, thats like WOW! we're getting somewhere but then its even more stupid than the MC and as usefull as a commentator for deaf people. Seems that later it will get upgraded but as of now its garbago.
    Also so far [Days 1-8] the game is no impactfull decisions.
    Lets talk about the MC.
    MC is a beta cuk that he has to double down to everything he sais. He is also useless and instead of trying to help with the situation he's into he just takes strolls around the ship thinking who to fuck next. He doesnt take initiative to do anything and makes him even more useless to me. He constantly gets cockblock by others to the point it got funny after the 4th time.:KEK:(going for a kiss.... NOPE :HideThePain:sike). I hope after he learns about his past he wont be so much of a psy lmao.
    Laptop time.
    Seemed interesting at the beginning but then it actually got pretty boring. Everyday there's literally a wall of text u have to read in the chatbox. And then the girl interaction. Started pretty nice but then again why tf not just go talk to them in person lol. I ended up spam clicking to see either the photos or something meaningfull.
    Recap time.
    The most boring and useless BUT at the same time most interesting time. It's literally a recap of the day and u just get the AI opinion on your decisions. BUT once every blue moon the guy has a revelation about his past forgotten year which is interesting. Its both good and bad :KEK:
    Most girls seem fine with some exceptions,Raegan,Alina and the AI.The AI style is fine but the hair? The frontal hair is attached to the head and the back is floating :KEK:.Overal design is cool tho and it would be nice if with the IQ upgrades it also changed visual.
    Also Umiko's character is abnoxious.


    Days 1-8 are the introduction to the characters. It should have been done in max 3 days in my opinion. There is so much banter that makes the game boooring. Days 6ish-7-8 is where u really start to get hints about the actual fken story.
    Pretty sizable for 1st release. I just hope the game focuses on the actual story it has to tell rather than the girls all the time.15 girls hurt the story instead of making it better imo
    Would i revisit this next update?Prolly not. Should you try it? I'd say wait a couple updates.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of good here. A lot of variety in personalities, body types, facial features, etc. The animations are good, renders are good, story premise isn't too bad as there hasn't been too many with it. The fact that the creator put so much work into the first release is huge in my opinion. I like the lap top idea and is interesting, but see the ugly below.

    The parts that are bad... PAIGE looks horrible. I don't know how this doesn't have a harem tag. I will have to wait to see how the vision of the author unfolds. The dick, it looks more like a dildo than a dick.

    The ugly .... the dialogue. It's so bad I almost rated it 3 stars. It's been a long time since I have read so much unnecessary parts and information. It just makes the story more boring instead of adding to the story. There is a reason why books have an editor. Hopefully the next parts will be better.

    Edit -- Through day 13. I still think this is really good. It's biggest downfall is still the dialogue. Banter is good because it allows us to learn the others personalities, but there is way too much in this. I can't help, but think that if there was 50% less banter we would be on day 26 instead. Still look forward to updates though.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt, the best interactive adult VN I've yet found, and that it's a first release from a first-timer is just incredible. Light on branching so far, but I'm looking forward to where the choices lead in the future.

    I love the group and individual chats, and the personalities of the girls. A lot of the humor works for me, too, which I can't say for a lot of games.

    Great renders, great story, great characters - heading to Patreon right now to support!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Played Days 1-8.
    Brilliant game! Excellent renders and a decent story.
    Can't wait for the next update.
    MC is the only guy on a spaceship full of women, some are super friendly from the start but some will take time to warm up to you.
    I really liked checking the laptop every morning and messaging, that was a really cool addition.
    Lot's of hot girls with hopefully more to be added. I was hoping for way more sex scenes, only a few so far but it's hopefully building to much more.
    Not really a lot of choices but a few which will determine paths for future episodes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    A good Joe

    Really good game that starts with a solid first upload from the dev. Hopefully this continues to be updated and the dev doesnt burn out with all the different girl choices that could be made in this game
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Harem Space story, MC is only male with a spaceship full of women.
    Gameplay focused too much on the SMS-type communications via laptop. Why doesn't he talk to the women in person? Didn't like that mechanic at all.
    Models were decent-ish, some look weird uncanny valley though.

    Ran into some bugs, namely exception errors and hitbox bugs. Hitboxes are weird, e.g. door icon to log off requires clicking exactly on red lines, when clicking in the center of the icon the hitbox doesn't cover it. Same with forward arrow button.

    No choices during scenes (positions, where to cum, etc), only manual mouse clicking buggy hitbox in top-right corner (would prefer it space would work to advance).
    There is no sound whatsoever, not even music. Lowers the experience for me, since reading in utter silence robs the flair/atmosphere.

    Overall average title. If it had sound design and non-buggy hitboxes this would rate at least 1 star higher.