RPGM - Completed - Professor Riona's Treasure [Final] [Puppuku Jinjin]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is good but the CGs are overused. The MTL translation isnt bad but isnt perfect too. The game isnt grindy and all CGs can be unlocked in one playthrough. Even though the game starts off like just another common JRPG game, the story really peaks at the end. Do give it a try if you are into big breasted milfs with an alright story
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is dopee! Big busty milf, Big ugly cocks, Ugly bastards, The milg gets real slutty,..
    If only there was a better translation( its understandable, thats all)
    And smeggma. Expected it to be honest, I wouldve given a 5!
    Still, i enjoyed it. Thanks dev
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Quality game with quite good amount of H content, without boring RPGM battles. CG art is kinda specific, probably not for everyone taste.
    Good H Content/time ratio. Difficulty level is nonexistant here.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    suprisingly good game. About3-4 hours of content. Sex scenes are images with sound effects. You play as female protag and their is ntr where one of your students watchs you get fucked, not grindy at all and a good amounts of sex scenes.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game with flaws and a 'you either love it or hate it' arts, 3/5 star not a bad game.

    If you love the arts (the heroine, especially) and corruptions then there's a high chance you'll like this game. The sex scenes are pretty good, but it's limited and some of them are re-used (which is a shame). Unfortunately for those who dislike NTR it DOES exist and is quite prevalent in some of the scenes, some I think a bit unnecessary but hey, whatever. Unfortunately again, the dev don't even gave us ability to fuck with the person that got NTR at all which I think is a huge miss opportunity considering you can make the MC into a harlot fairly easily, he only getting a 'normal' ending epilogue with the MC.

    The story is non-existence and is very weirdly lighthearted nonsensical all things considering so really, aside from the main objective it has none. Oh but if you hate scumbag NPCs then you might hate this game cause it's filled with them (shamelessly so). Overall, not bad even for a quick fap or so.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    To be honest i have hard time rating this game.
    I like the idea, the female protagonist is pretty good and her back story is good, scenes are good/fine and gameplay wise it's pretty simple.

    The problem i have with this game are those male "creatures" (calling them humans is srsly insult to whole human race) and it's not like I have a problem with ugly bastards because it's like 80% of the games lol. Female lead looks like a giant compared to those "man". Another point is that i think the game could be better with few additional scenes or corruption progress in it. Like the scene in class when you can take off skirt and thats pretty much it? You can call 1 student for something extra but it even gives the same stats. After getting more corrupt she is naked in her house after work and it's like "Okey thats all".

    TLDR: I think the game is 3.7/5 it could be way better tweeking few things. Scenes are fine nothing special, setting is good, female protag is good, story is w/e but who cares. MTL is bad and you can't rly skip text holding CTRL or other key (maybe you can and it's my bad)
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A very nice game in which a teacher and famous former actress must earn 10 million yen to repair a pearl capable of keeping the human world separate from the other world. And now the protagonist has to earn all this money with her honest work and also with some not so pure methods. The game is very entertaining, I really liked the images, the protagonist is pleasant to watch as are the sex scenes. If you want to have fun and try something light, this game is perfect!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. At first there seems to be a time limit, but the game is actually quite free to explore and doesn't pressure. The scenes are good, and there are a lot of good kinks. The true ending hints to a game that isn't even made by this author for some reason, but it's cool!
    Likes: Daioh
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the most unique games I've played on this site, and that is both a positive and negative. The story is not really that good or important and really only appears at the start and end (except for the "make 10 million yen quest") which just adds to the what the fuck value. I do enjoy the backstory for Riona, her being an ex-actress turned teacher, it creates some good scenarios. The MTL is also not awful, the worst being some text not fitting in text boxes and wrong pronoun use.

    The gameplay can get very repetitive and I never felt a need to do the more erotic things to make money, getting the 10 million is incredibly easy and I'd completed it by week 4 on my first playthrough. If that's not an issue for you then you're all good, but I wish the game had done a better job at making the player feel desperate enough to engage with events that would corrupt Riona. The events are good but I do wish there was more variety or randomness when it comes to the events you will face multiple times, there is no difference between the first time you view an event and the tenth.

    The art is really hit or miss and will really depend on personal preference, as an ugly bastard and kissy face enjoyer it was right up my alley, but some scenes can be a bit low quality.

    tl;dr Despite some flaws, Professor Riona is worth a play but it's worth knowing what you're getting into before you do. If the tags sound like your thing and you can excuse some out there art, gameplay and story it's a pretty good time.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is kinda 'out there' but at least is not your typical living with childhood friend during summer or slay the demon lord troop.

    In a world where human and goblins live peacefully among each other, Riona a former actress now live in a normal town to pursue her teaching career. But Riona is not just any normal actress, she was the famous pink power ranger, thus every otaku in town is her fan and they are all after her now ginormous 52inch L-cup breast (USA avg breast size is 34D lol).

    Long story short, she fuck up something in the shrine and if not fix, gate would open to the world of monster (i guess goblins are where they draw the line in this world). It cost 10M to fix it and Riona now stuck with the bill.
    She can grind her every day job and train her drama club member to perform a live Power Ranger show to make money. Or she can get there faster if she bear the lewd acts from the town people.

    +1 CGs: Super slutty body, super lewd expressions (freak her nipple is larger than half the man face lol). Very generous amount of scenes. Too bad there are no armpit and pubic hair option.

    +1 Gameplay: 3 Actions per day, simple maps for event hunt, nothing complicated. Corruption level can be slow or can be fast, all depends on how much CGs you want to see.

    +1 No NTR: There are no husband figure, most CGs have Riona enjoying the acts. The closest thing to a love interest is the star students that always try to protect Riona, this game is brand new so i couldn't find whether there is a pure love ending from japan walkthrough site.

    +1 Premise & Story: Hey at least is some new idea. I doubt you have heard of a story that integrate power ranger, goblin and school life together. Translation is not perfect but very readable.

    I have not finish the game but overall, i enjoy the game so far.

    WARNING: if you hate ugly bastards ... you need to go somewhere else, all the events other than random encounter are with ugly SOB ...