Others - Nakara [v0.4] [Redspike]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game plays like a genuinely enjoyable and lewd version of dark deception. You have limited tools to deal with the monster girls trying to have their way with you, and the maps are appropriately sized for the amount of rings you need to get. And the art is pretty spectacular too. Do give this one a run,
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel the Doom64 vibe and so liked the game. Enemys are diffrent, pixel art is great, I wish to full version will publis soon. The only prolem is game needs a short tutorial. I could't figured how combat works in the begining.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    You play a level, you lose and get a very well animated sprite sex scene, you go back to base. Rinse and repeat each for a single animated H scene. Capturing the girls and beating the levels requires a ton of effort and getting good with no extra content in-between if you've already seen the game over scenes, and by the time you're done you get rewarded with what is essentially a gallery button. In short, this is a game with H content and not an H game. Use a full save or a ripped gallery if you want to fap, play the game if you want a POV Pac Man, there is no in-between. But, as an attempt for an H game, it sucks. Hope the dev plays more H games in the future for their next title to get a better idea.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game was pretty fun to play with a lot of potential still its kinda lame that its just the same mechanic over a over with some variaton and every next level the dificulty (more coins to collect) increase, for now the game lack of lewd content but like a lot of content so for now its just an 4/10 i hope it get more content in futures updates and some more skills or variated enemies bcs for now its kinda boring and it is so some of the desings i see.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Torao Chadabe

    I bought the Patreon pretty much immediately. Any game on this website that is great and fun even without the smut is already A-Tier material, and this has both great gameplay and horny material.

    The gameplay is basically glorified Pac-Man meets Sonic. You run around in one of many arenas and try to collect all the rings while avoiding girls, and when you get all the rings, you proceed to the next arena until you have beat them all.

    When you lose all your health from the girls or obstacles, that girl's game-over-scene or the generic obstacle game-over-scene gets played (depending on what got you), and it is ... well ... game over (duh).

    To protect yourself, you also charge up a sword, which you can use after you collected enough coins, and there are also upgrades spread around the arena that give you various buffs and upsides that stay for the remainder of the current run.

    In my eyes, a definite S-Tier contender.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Basically a Pacman with monster girls. You collect rings to charge up your sword which you can then use to kill enemies spawning in never-ending waves until you collect all rings on the level. That's pretty much it. Some levels have a gimmick or two to keep things fresh, like the desert level which has moving walls, but the core gameplay never strays away from that.

    I really don't like the progression system, where h-scenes are on defeat only, until you complete the level where they can appear in the gallery section in the hub. Selecting a level also requires you to complete it beforehand, so if you struggle against a particular level (like I did with the one with the dissapearing floor), you have to do the previous level again, even though you've already done it.

    And completing a level is fairly long for what little gameplay it offers, especially considering you have to charge your sword very slowly to attack enemies for like 5 seconds at best, meaning they will keep piling on you and make the game artificially difficult. The best thing to do is just ignore them, really.

    The artstyle and the music themes are nice. The sex scenes are short and bland. Nothing much to say. I get that it's a game focused on femdom, so you can't have the MC raping everyone on sight, but I wish the sex was more integrated into the gameplay. As it is, it's just an average Pacman clone with brief sex scenes as a reward.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art, decent gameplay. Fast game featuring monster-girl pixel animation. Each level has it's own gimmick. After completion you can find all animations in gallery. Loved this one! Waiting and watching till release
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good game. Simple enough, but intense. Interesting animations, I especially liked the tentacles. One of the disadvantages is that it is too short at the moment. In addition, sex scenes could be made less standard. Nevertheless, I think that the game has great potential
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Elf Truck

    Lovely pixel animations! Very impressive stuff. I hate everything else.

    Gameplay is garbage. You run around collecting rings like an unholy spawn of pacman and sonic, avoiding enemies. Occasionally you get a weapon for a couple of seconds before it goes away, not that it matters because I think the enemies just respawn endlessly. You have to collect every single ring to win, and there are hundreds of them in every level. You collect them in first person. With limited view. With no map. Essentially defenseless. It's not impossible, but it's not fun at all. Plus running around like an idiot for 99% of the game made want to throw up. Not my idea of a good time.

    I don't want to give it 1/5 because the art style is very good, but I don't know wtf they were thinking with this gameplay.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Super fun game, great design and great fighting animations, i would prefer if the enemies have several variant xxx animations and not just once, but overall pretty good, i dont know if i have found any other porn game so much fun like this one. Great art and cool animations, the sword animation is really cool. I would love to play more levels in future. Great job
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.3

    I like pixel-art and I especially like fps in pixel-art-style.
    I like dungeon crawler games in realtime.

    I do not like being completely defenseless (80% of the time) and hence being forced to run AWAY from monsters instead of ENGANGING them whenever I want to.

    This game forces you to collect coins as fast as possible. Yet, if you collected them TOO fast/ reached the certain amount to spawn your sword with no enemy around, you are fcked. Literally.

    I do not like this concept, it makes the game too focussed on haste. It is definitively NOT a relaxing experience.

    Failure for me, wasted potential.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game in its current state has 4 levels. It is very simplistic and the challenge was alright for me. It has beautiful art which you can access as a reward in your in game "gallery" which is not a button, but a room you walk into and interact with the NPCs from the levels you have finished!

    It features femdom, which for me personally is great. My review could be summarised by the following:

    1-Fun, immersive and pretty
    2-Rewarding with a gallery (femdom)
    3-Simple and easy, relaxing

    Suggestion: In the dungeon level there are more femdom animations (prisoners in cells) which I believe would be a great addition if added to the gallery.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    This is one of those games where it has a bit of a learning curve for some people and the thing that drives it the most is the quality of the content. The sprites are good and the animations are good and the concept is there and sound. The main problem I have with it is that it's a bit of a false advertisement because you're not actually slaying monster girls, you're running around and collecting rings and if you're lucky you'll charge your sword and can use it to clear the board for a few seconds of running before more spawn in. The less rings you have left the less you can actually charge and use your sword. The whole design of this game is a snowball effect where by the time you're at the end of the level you're probably running away from like 10+ girls chasing you down.

    While it isn't impossible and takes a round or two to understand, it just isn't that fun in my opinion. Run around and collect upwards of 400 rings, and then that's it, that's the whole game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review written as of v0.2.
    I love what is already there, but am excited to see more. At the moment, it does what it does really good, but it doesn't do a lot. Some levels are much hard then others, and if you die you lose all of your power ups only making them even harder. Also, what level you get is random, so it can get repetitive playing levels you've already beaten to try and beat that level you can't.
    As I've said, the game is currently in an early build, and I think with more time, this game can become something amazing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    A great demo so far that not only doesn't waste your time, but knows when it's out of content and lets you know immediately. Everything in the game is quick and simple so far, and the traditional gameplay loop is challenging but fair in every level. The H scenes are just what I like, and are really well animated for a better looking HDoom kind of feel. Would definitely recommend, and I hope this gets more popular in the future
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    + Good gamplay
    + Good arts.
    - Lack of controls gallary.
    *Hope Devs keep improve this game*
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    good animations and pixel art, the gameplay is pretty nice but there are more things that can be refined

    make it so you can see a 360 view of the monsters in the gallery, you rarely get to see the art for their sides and back at all as they are always locked on to the player

    add a struggle system rather then getting hit once and getting put into a hscene, i feel like you rarely get to see the h scenes and i feel like this would bring them out more

    make it so you choose the powerups rather then getting a random one, the powerups feel very lackluster and not so game changing and i feel like having the player acknowledge what powerup they are getting will help with that

    please redesign the forest level its very boring and you just have to stack all of the statues into the middle

    potentially a stealth system for a level would be refreshing aswell
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, that was a new one

    Cute animations, engaging gameplay (you really feel hunted xddddd) and interesting concept. Hope we can see more of it soon, and that they change the Pillars map, can't really comprehend how not to fall
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is very smooth and feels very polished for the game's beta state (as of the time writing this review).

    The current three levels each have unique mechanics that make each level feel unique and fresh compared to the other which is great.

    However, actual gameplay loop gets quite repetitive. Currently the only objective is to collect a certain number of rings, in which once they are all collected the game ends and you are returned to a "hub" where you can view scenes from the enemies in that level.

    Perhaps if the enemies were more aggressive or there was some other objective other than collecting rings the game might be a bit more enjoyable.

    Other than that, the art is great and the game can be enjoyed as its own standalone game aside from the H-content.
  20. 2.00 star(s)



    Holy SHIT this game sucks. The animations are absolutely fantastic, the style is amazing, and each scene even has a cum sequence that doesn't abruptly end. By these things alone, it should be amazing.
    But it ain't.
    It fucking sucks.

    This is first person Packman game with a terribly executed and entirely anti-fun """combat""" system. You run around a map collecting coins while being chased by sexually desirable monsters that yearn for your seed. After picking up enough coins, you get a sword that allows you to temporarily slay the horny beast. Very. Very temporarily. Like...5 seconds. It's back almost instantly. If you have a fetish for Packman and yearn for a new twist on it, maybe, MAYBE you'll enjoy this gameplay. But I cannot, for the life of me, see this gameplay as anything more than obnoxious.

    The worst sin, however, is the method for getting sex. You lose. That's fine, I'm fine with losing to get lewds. But upon losing and having your seed forcefully extracted, you just get a game over. There's no second try, no life meter to drain bit by bit; nothing. You just go straight to a Game Over screen. Yet again, we have amazing art shoved into a shoddy, moldy, hole ridden barrel with "One Pump Chump" plastered all over it. You want to see that animation again? Fuck off, new level. You want to actually keep playing the game of COLLECT 400 FUCKING RINGS ON ONE LEVEL???, well fuck you, start over.

    As a game, this shit blows. As a porn game, it blows even worse. It has zero quality of life features for a porn game, and very few QoL features for a regular game. At LEAST as a packman clone, it's something new. It's not exactly much of a bar, but I guess it raises it a bit. But for porn? Gtfo. Leave. This ain't it.