Ren'Py - Living Together! [v0.39] [Advent Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has repetitive dialogue. Nothing changes with increased trust or attraction.
    The game is very much a copy of Living with sister but with far less content so far.
    With my limited PC specs and renpy knowledge I reckon I can get where this dev got within a week. Maybe less.
    The content at the moment is absurd. A ton of grind for 2 animations head pat and kiss. There's nothing in bed yet and you cannot "upgrade"/educate the MC, alcohol has no effect, so a lot of unfinished ideas.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game takes a lot of clear inluences from the Monochrome series. The gameplay should be familiar to anyone who has played Living With Sister. It's grindy with a lot of RNG results.

    Living Together is a visual upgrade with very little in terms of gameplay changes. The inability to quicksave and quickload or fastforward through dialogue hurts the experience some, especially when you're looking at the same results over and again or comparing it to other Ren'Py titles.

    If you enjoyed Monochrome Fantasy and like the screenshots this games is for you. The young woman you're cohabitating with is lovely and the gameplay does its best to simulate intimate interactions and bonding experiences. It's very sweet, though getting to these scenes takes a lot of patience.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind simulator, literally non-existent content for hours of gameplay. A poor copy of Imouto Monochrome game, It's a Renpy game, but roll back is limited, unable to load, and unable to press right click for menu.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Aj Atkinson

    The idea of the game is not bad. However, its implementation is surprisingly ill-conceived, incomprehensible and uninteresting. There are too many actions that are repeated without understanding the consequences, and you do not know exactly what the steps led to - were they effective or should they not be repeated, except for the obvious ones, after which the end of the game comes. At the same time, the usual, useful and understandable save/load mechanism is distorted in such a way that it is inconvenient to use, and at first it is not even clear how.
    If at the same time there were decent graphics, drawing of models or animations... And yes - there is none of that either. That is why the rating is the lowest. So far, this is a flaw that is not even worth paying attention to.
  5. 1.00 star(s)



    Too much unneccesery conversation topics, like it was made just to burn players time, nothing more, noting less.

    Save/load system... Well it doesn't works as it should, first of all LOAD is a "myth" it's something made up by some lunatics, we don't know what it is.
    We can load game only by restarting it and save progress in the phone... It's annoying, uninteresting and not userfiriendly, cuz YES we have pages in the save window, but NUMBERS of the pages have the same color as backgorund.

    Rollback function... It's a myth too. ( doesn't exist)
    Same goes for the text skip function.

    We have a "choice" in the start of the game where gameplay can be divided in more casual VN style or a Sandbox... but it seems it's just a placeholder cuz we can't set any of the options, game just continue and we face a brutal and stupid grind system.

    Grind. Too much grind for nothing. I thought that 100 of trust would be - "Woooah! I trust you with my life, bro!"
    But the dev tought otherwise. He thougth that useing default % system is boring, so we points isn't limitedby 100. a hundred trust points is just aone lil tier, which indicates you that the girl only STARTS to trust you...

    Renders... Honestly, there is so "much" of them, that i don't have enough fingers to count them all! Especially, when i really don't have any...

    So... yep, overall it's a trsh. I don't belive in any bright future of this project at all.
    Too much grind. Not user-friendly interface in some places. Small amount of content during grind activities, so we basically just pressing buttons to press another buttons... We don't have any renders of "gym" which we are visiting for... what reason? (there is no any strength variable in the stats... we don't actually have any stats, except of the girl ones.)... Broken default renpy functions for no reason...

    So yep, that's it. Do not spend your time on it. Just skip it or wait for the... v0.5-1.0... maybe tehre would be smth of interest, but i don't belive in it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Dev brags about there being nearly infinite variations in the gameplay so you have to "learn" about her, I guess he forgot this is a porn site not an AI dating site. Have tried game multiple times on updates, still hasn't failed to bore me to death before a single thing happens, even with the sub version making it "easier" when realistically the sub version lowers some of the management but doesn't help with the most time consuming part of it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.39:

    absolutetly NOT recommended!

    I was intrigued by the description and the provided renders - but that's all.
    First it looked as there is no way to save your game, but then i recognized an icon on your phone where you can save your progress. However, there is NO way to load saved games except on reset/restart the game, and even then i encountered several crashes and some of my savegames don't work at all. Also there is no "rollback" option.
    Aside not being able to save and load propperly and in a convenient way, the grind is HORRIBLE. The whole gameplay is all but intuitive and you don't have ANY clue what to do. Even if you figured some basics out after some time and most likely after some "Game overs", the grind is absolutely boring, horrible and non-rewarding.
    Before i deinstalled the game and put it on blacklist, i decompiled the files and had a look into the renders about what to expect if i could force myself through all that miserable gameplay and horrible grind => there is NOTHING rewarding at this point.

    I really wanted to give at least ONE more star for the really cute and nearly perfect asset for the girl, but honestly everything else is so "not worthy" to get even the one default star, so i decided not to honor the only positive about this "game" at all.

    You really shouldn't waste any time or bandwidth to download this (in my opinion) crap.

    I assume all reviews above 2 stars are either made by people who never even played the game at all, by massochists (who like to torture themself), or made by fanboys/friends of the dev ... or they simply played a different game - who knows?
    Giving 4-5 stars to this is so absurd and a huge slap in the face of all developers who actually put really decent and fine games out there and getting 4 stars for them. Equal this game to other 4-5 star games is like claiming that some old broken worn up Roler Blades are on the same level as a brand new Rollce Royce
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The grind is absolutely ridiculous.

    There's no gameplay to speak of.
    There's no rollback, no autosave, and seemingly no way to save.

    Actions seems to randomly gives a pisspoor amount of points, or none.
    I ended up extracting the game to see what was in there, and there seems to be no content either anyway...

    Ignore this, you'll only be wasting your time.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    2 hours in, theres no load option besides resetting the game, there are 0 h scenes i have encountered, the attraction bar is impossible to raise, the best conversation topics that i had spent so much time trying to find out only give 3 affection, where as watching tv does 4?? this game is just lowk weird and i have no idea what im supossed to do
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    grind grind grind grind grind. no pay off, no indication outside of paying to go on trips that you are making any real progress. just a giant time sink. spent a better part of 3 hours just trying to make any headway and it felt like I put in a miles worth of effort just to move an inch. developer, games are supposed to be fun. your game is sitting at a 2 and a half star. clearly players do not really find this gameplay loop fun or rewarding.
    Likes: Aremo
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, albeit very early in the process. It's a little quirky but shows promise. I enjoyed my time with it and will re-visit after an update or two.

    Character model is cute and I appreciate the dev's inclusion of natural, unshaved pubic hair. Too rare in this field and it's very nice to see. Toilet peeping is always always fun!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Even the idea is good, there is no way you can win in any aspect. Anything you do, lose points, lose money, you dont have any idea what to do. I think you could be trying to be "good MC" days and days to get nothing
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I would not even call this a game, it's more like grind torture. The cute little girl next to the title, and the "Loli" tag, get gamers interested, which is the idea I guess -- but then unless one has much deeper internal gaming mechanics knowledge than I have, one becomes lost in the infuriating, byzantine grind of it. No Renpy save or back controls, one has to constantly start again... I read a few of the reviews that aren't 1-star, and they seem really reaching to find anything remotely satisfying, IMO. Really, one of the worst AVN experiences I've had in a long time. Unless you enjoy grind for the sake of grind, I advise you to stay away. If I were the dev, I would seriously consider making this game a lot more User Friendly.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite promising so far. It could use some easier in game help, but then, more important is good game mechnics. If you like some slow grind before you get rewards, this might be a game you wanna check out.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a game scam, like a cheap plastic toy in shape of quality product.
    Instead of reproduce Monochrome gameplay this fake game give you non-existing mechanics, described, but clearly not working, repetetive click-clack gameplay instead of exiting one in original, well, a couple of renders for fancy cover.
    If you want those 3D renders, go and try, and be dissapointed. In any other case just play original. It's better.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    as a person who was not born in an English-speaking country --> he uses a translator --> he asked too many questions at the beginning and too much description is unrealistic for me and it is impossible to choose everything at random sometimes it just doesn't allow other times I choose more features but I don't know who...

    but the worst thing is that someone makes a game with early access and wants people to pay him support, and the game is unplayable, and what's worse, there is no room for "beta testers" to try all the possibilities!!!! the most important thing is the back bond, and if it is dev. he ignores it, it is clear that he will never have a project that will see the light of day or even success, there are thousands of games where the dev made a similar mistake and I have not heard of any of them making money or even being completed!!!!
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    To much of a grind and 0 rewards since its theres really nothing in the game yet, i had about a million renpy grey screens where it couldent show the right clothes or transform or whatever it said.

    Before giving up totaly i tried using cheats but theres just no content yet.

    No clue why fast skip has been removed i mean who wants to read the same dialogs over and over which you have to since its such a grind.

    The one model looks good so gave it 1 star for that, theres no sex scenes yet and no pregnancy which for some reason should end the game once she gets pregnant which kinda ruins the hole idea of putting it into a game like this in the first place, i mean its a single LI why not make pregnant sex and some fun dialogs, but as its planed now it wont be for anyone that has a pregnant kink.

    Could this be something someday, maybe but it would take alot more content and alot more planed things then just a single sex scene and fast ending when she gets pregnant.

    So for now its really not worth playing at all, its just a waste of time which is also why i cant give this more then 2 stars as it is now.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Living Together! v0.37

    Despite being similar to Imouto! Life Monochrome and even referencing it within the game, Living Together! shows promise.

    After spending some time playing, here are my thoughts on what I liked, didn't like, and my suggestions as a player.

    What I liked:

    The render quality is decent.
    Gameplay is reasonably good.
    The information on menstruation is intriguing (though it needs improvement, see suggestions).
    The navigation menu is intuitive and easy to use.

    What I didn't like:

    The grinding is extremely exhausting (I almost gave up trying to reach 100 Lewd).

    Information is lacking as you progress in Trust and Lewd in the S.I.S (nothing changes even if you reach 500 and 100 respectively).

    Limited options for activities besides watching TV, despite the presence of a bookshelf in the game.

    While I understand the need to monetize an adult game, making certain items available only to sponsors is not the best approach in my opinion. Attracting sponsors should be based on the game's quality, gameplay, story, and content.


    Menstruation System: Whether the developers are men or women, menstruation has more nuances than currently presented. If the character has high Lewd and is in her fertile period, she could show more interest in intimacy and even initiate interactions.

    Objectives: Implementing clear objectives could enhance the gameplay experience. For example, "achieve X Trust or Y Lewd," "drink beer with the character for the first time," etc.

    Pregnancy: According to the website, the game ends once the character becomes pregnant. Please reconsider this. There are many interesting scenarios to explore during pregnancy, such as:
    Frequent urges to pee, leading to funny or lewd scenes.
    Unique pregnancy cravings.
    Adult breastfeeding.
    Deeper romance and heightened sexual desires.
    Buying new clothes as the old ones no longer fit.

    Ending the game due to pregnancy seems like a missed opportunity. Instead, the story could evolve with the baby, such as sending the baby to daycare.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Living Together! v0.38

    I didn't play this version and it probably doesn't have any new content. Just some minor changes/improvements and some Subscriber perks. Also, the developer probably hasn't addressed the issue that people don't know what to do next. They keep grinding forever, doing the same thing over and over again, but don't know how to get to the good stuff. Or maybe they are just tired of how they get penalized so easily and it's hard for them to increase their Love and Attraction points or to keep them high. Or that nothing happens when they do get high. For these reasons, the game still isn't good. But even though I previously gave the game three stars and not much has changed, I am going to increase the rating to four stars because the developer is trying. He even added skipping and rollback again.

    Living Together! v0.37

    The renders are clear. The models are good. A lot of F95 reviewers comment on females in Japanese games having an uncanny valley look, and I honestly have no idea what they are talking about. The models, including this one, never bothered me.

    This game does have a lot of inconveniences. I had to use Unren to enable skipping. I couldn't right click to get to the Save menu. I was forced to use a Save app on the phone or use the quick menu Save button at the bottom. The developer said that he is reserving the right mouse click for something else, but I'm not too happy about it. This is also a grindy game. I used Universal Renpy Mod to give myself $100,000 cash and $100,000 savings, but I used up all my cash after only eight days of grocery shopping and a few dates. I didn't consider that it could be a different currency. If it is Japanese Yen, then $100,000 would be $636 USD and then it would make sense. I feel that the game should USD currency because $100,000 USD is $15,712,276 Yen and it would feel weird giving myself 16 million dollars. There isn't enough room on the phone app to display that many digits.

    Some people said that there were other issues like only four days in a week and her being on her period every day. I didn't notice and I don't care. I just wanted to see what I could unlock.

    As for content, I just skimmed through stuff really fast and I didn't unlock any sex scenes but that might be because they haven't been added yet. Well, I was able to fap to her when she was asleep. I pulled her shirt down some and her panties down some, exposing her tiny breasts. She looked good and she was breathing (animated). And the cum looked really good and realistic. But other than that, I've only peeked on her in the shower/bath and that's about it. Nothing else.

    As for the dialogue, I skipped through it really fast and didn't read it but I saw no indication that there was bad English, bad spelling or grammar, or that it was written poorly. So that's a good thing.

    I think that main concern is what people's deep innermost feelings are about playing a game where the girl is young and nubile and which I would feel completely guilty doing anything with in real life (absolutely would not and would not even consider it), and would probably get my butt kicked, get murdered, or end up in jail. I think maybe some people will feel guilt and anger at a game with this sort of content and that would make them view this game negatively. For me, I don't play these games often and I don't obsess over loli content and I can compartmentalize. I felt that I was curious and interested enough to see what I could unlock, but I could not unlock much so I have the game on hold.

    Some people complained about some trivial issues like being presented with a screen that lets us choose her appearance but then there were no actual options to choose her appearance. Maybe it was a language barrier misunderstanding. Another complaint was that the developer described the female has having some sort of AI intelligence, and that is misleading nonsense. A complete lie. But this stuff is trivial, not worth mentioning.

    I really had no idea what I was supposed to be doing to progress. As one person stated, it is completely random RNG so I had her enjoying talking about having sex with me and me talking about my d1ck, but then the next day those things were awkward and caused her trust to go down. Getting her to talk about those things also didn't earn me any progress or relationship development.

    I thought that the phone and watch were well designed. There could be some flaws, but I am just focusing on what I liked and there was a lot that I liked. The watch let me know if I had house chores that needed to be done, how many groceries I had at home, and her trust and attraction towards me. The bank app actually has some links that you can click on, and it is really nice looking. I didn't try to earn money or trade stocks. I cheated and gave myself a lot of money. There were some apps on the phone that I didn't know what they were for. Well three of them were probably for Patreon like websites, but I didn't use those websites before so that is why I didn't recognize the app icons. One thing is, I would feel tired if I took too many actions and I did not see where my energy level was and I didn't find any way to increase action points. I just took naps during the day and tried to do as much as I could with her when she came home.

    Overall, I think if the game's problems were worked out, I could easily give it four stars. But because of all these problems, I need to lower the rating. If I didn't use UnRen and URM, I would give it 1 or 2 stars. But since I used them and it fixed the issues that I was having, I feel like it's around a 3 star game. I wish that I could give it a better rating to make up for the 1 star reviews it received so far, but I won't. I'll just give it a 3 star rating but I think that I'm interested in this game and want to see future updates and I want to see what I can unlock.

    I think that the future is very promising. From what I saw in the Universal Renpy Mod, there will be all kinds of good sex scenes. Her masturbating. Me masturbating. Mutual masturbation. Sex. Toys. That sort of thing. I'm actually terrified of taking a bath with her though because she looks too young to be in the bathroom with, but I liked fapping to her when she was asleep and kind wish that I could have done more.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Avoid, i played older version, saw all the complaints abut the game, and dev did nothing to fix them just added i little bit of contet to the game that is unplayeble.
    No fast forward or rollback
    Saveing made hard and loading inposible unless you want to go to main menu all the time witch you will have to do every 2 min because game is broken and rng based. You get like +2 points in trust ot lewd for a good action but if you get rnged with a bad outcom you lose 20 liiteraly wiping progres form your entire play time just because. This game is literaly if you tied to make cohabitation type game but just the worst way posible