Ren'Py - Completed - Lewd Town Adventures [v1.0.2] [Jamleng Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game. I can't say the game is perfect, it has its flaws. But it is enjoyable enough. The writing is not the best, it's a little above average, but it gets better and better. The animation is good enough + the devs are even remaking some of the scenes with better shading and other stuff. Another enjoyable aspect of the game is the great amount of kinks. Bdsm, NTR, Sharing and more. All in all it's a great game with a lot of content and hours of pleasure exploring all its aspects. Don't like NTR and Sharing ?? NO PROBLEM, take the good path. OR YOU LOVE NTR like I do !? Go to the dark path :D. We have cookies :p
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I like it. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    that said... there are a couple significant issues, and one annoyance with game design that, while I'm not taking rating points away for still bugs me.

    • tons of content (mostly backloaded, meaning not much up front, and a ton as you get further into the game with each character)
    • a wide variety of fetishes*
    • a fun, massive plot that balloons in scope after a long while
    • a decent enough story, with a lot of connections to other characters and history as it develops
    • the prologue. holy Hell, the prologue. the dev warns to be tolerant, play the prologue if you're new to the game and don't expect much. it was close. I almost quit and deleted the game several days before the prologue ended. imho it could have been condensed into something more of a cliff notes version to avoid readers stabbing themselves in the eye several times trying to make it through. my suggestion to new players: skip the damn prologue. seriously. most of it comes out in more detail as you progress through the game anyway. no need to torture yourself with it.
    • the sandbox elements are mostly well implemented, meaning you can follow the guide (quest journal) or just do your own thing. but:
      • there are some prerequisites that aren't listed in the journal, and end up being randomly encountered or just unknown tasks to complete before you can do what the journal suggests in more than a few quests
      • there are some prerequisites that occur well after the quest itself (such as a quest on day 105+ that requires you first complete two quests only available on day 114+)
    • most importantly, due to some of the above and in general poor design logic some of the displayed scenes are time-bound in a bad way
      • you several times end up seeing scenes out of sequence, in that you will see something that you already knew from other events in a here is this brand new information you need to know kind of way
      • one of the characters gets her own set of H scenes with 4 options displayed. they're not numbered. they're not gated (hidden until you progress through them). but... the last of the four, both visually and in text obviously expects you to have completed at least some of the other three before seeing that option. I chose that one first, and it took a second for me to realize what was going on there.
    • and possibly this won't bother some folks, but for me the two paths you can take both leave something to be desired. *the MC has two paths: harem (and optionally pregnancy) in which he's the "good guy trying to save the world," or NTR (and optionally BDSM) in which he's the "bad guy trying to corrupt the world." this effectively locks you out of most BDSM if you want a harem and vice versa.
      • my preferences are either for a hybrid path (harem with optional pregnancy AND optional BDSM), or no path (let me choose individually for each character how I'd like to treat them based on individual preference or on how they treated the MC).
      • I realize there's a bunch of dev work implied by making any of this happen - especially at this point in the game. and it's my preference, so I didn't deduct rating points for this. but it's still my opinion, so I'm stating it here in case it helps anyone else to decide their interest level in playing through the 130+ days currently in game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First things first: this is a good game, i liked it.
    It uses Koikatsu for model generation, so characters do look very much doll-like. It's fine by me, might be a turnoff for some.
    Characters themselves are varied. MIlfs, adults, teens, lolis, weirdos - you'll likely be covered on your preference. Same with fetishes - there's a lot of them, you're likely to find something for yourself.
    I have a major personal gripe with this game however. It's story progression tends to ruin your enjoyment of the game. The day counter mechanic. All events have a specific day after which they can be accessed. And they're often also locked behind other characters progression. It's made this way to force you to progress all characters stories simultaneously. And it sucks. You like a character and want to interact with them more - nope, go talk with 10 other girls before getting to the next part. You like a storyline and want to learn what's next? Nope, go and deal with other stuff for an hour. You've had a hot H-scene and want another one to stay on high note? Nope, time for sob-story or comic relief.
    That honestly pissed me off.
    Oh, and there is no full gallery unlock as of now. You have to hack the game to get that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    -Best Koikatsu game here .
    -Wild scenes and Fetishes, No Limits .
    - A lot of content, many choices .
    - Interesting Story with a good mix between Seriousness and Comedy.

    (Don't judge the game from prologue, there are many many things to discover later and deep story waiting you with 2 routes, and you'll definitely find your favorite girls and fetishes, especially Incest)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    After reading the games self touting, and the reviews I was shocked at how utterly devoid of merit this game was.
    The animations are remedial at best, I've of course seen worse but they are definitely not something to tout.
    Somehow the writing is even worse! Rarely is it an actual conversation, but instead its an interminably long monologue by one person followed by the same by the other. On top of that, there is almost no character development, try as I might I couldn't even force myself to care about any of the characters or their relationships at all.
    I played a few hours and then quit because I was just flat out bored. I'm incredibly disappointed as I was feeling excited about the possibilities after having read up on the game before downloading. In the end it was just a waste of bandwidth.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it's been interesting trying the VN and then interacting with the developer and lead writer, cause clearly there's a lot of time and effort put into it. However, it's clear that both think they're far better at their jobs than they are. Again, there's CLEARLY effort put in, but it's just...not producing an equivalent in terms of quality.

    Right off the bat, the biggest issue is the writing. GOD, the writing. Clearly no one on the team heard of the phrase "less means more", because half the dialogue is essentially totally worthless. Genuinely. Adds literally zero to the experience. Repetition, boring monologues, ridiculous tirades and speeches, I mean it just goes on and on. An example of this is the main character just going into this absurd monologue talking about how you need to love yourself to a literal stranger, something that the mc will then do again and again.

    Some people dislike the ugly main character. Personally, I don't especially care. Certainly the developer has a soft spot for it, since he repeatedly directly or indirectly mentions people's dislike of it and defending it vehemently. Again, I don't especially care about it. Although, I do find it funny that when he's meant to be 'fixed', his model is still ugly. I have no clue why, but it's my favourite part of the VN.

    In relation to other models though, they're pretty good, although the amount of characters without a focus on very few of them means that they all kinda just mesh together. In the end it doesn't matter because the developers are indirectly telling us it doesn't matter.

    I recommend this to anyone who doesn't really have any standards for AVNs besides "seeing boobs". Again, this may sound harsh, there's clearly some level of skill and effort in the visuals of the women present. But I can't rate it on "they could maybe make something good if they knew what they were doing". Right now it's probably a 2/10

    Edit: the dev sent me a lovely passive-aggressive message annoyed I left a negative review. Points still stand. I separated the praise for the visuals to see if he can figure it out more easily. I am not obligated to tell someone how to make a better product in my review, my review is purely my opinions on the product. Also, this edit and mentioning of the people making the game aren't breaking the reviewing rules, as it is describing the influences that are clearly displayed in the game (i.e. the dev and lead writer's refusal to admit their game has flaws shows in the ridiculous writing and story that fails to improve due to said dismissal of criticism)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Going in I was very put of from the Koiaktsu (or however u spell it characters). I came for the Mind Controller tag, and was looking for that content. The first playing session I played from 8pm to at least 9 am. It just keep on coming. I was really for the shit that happens with the sisters friend and her father (more of a -- I wasn't too turned on from it-- than a -- that's disgusting)

    Honestly the sheerr amount of characters and the humor with the MC was what kept me playing. I really want to fuck (up) the doctor and want to humiliate the boss. The story is really well made and I could feel the MC rage.

    This is the only game other than Mr. C's Lust Village that I look forwards to updates this much, and you guys are the only ones I donate too :)

    I will be a continued fan in all future projects and I hope your vacation went well <33333
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    More ain't always better

    Of course we love it when there are lots of characters and content, but it is frustrating when it's all far from complete. The game has some good moments, and the story is much better than expected, but there is a poor maangement of storytelling in terms of quests, or warning regarding locking yourself out of content or relevance of some choices.
    The animations and designs aren't the finest, and I think that a more focused approach would be much better. Less options but better developed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game! I like this type of game specially with pregnancy on it.

    I like the story about MC from the very bottom of the food chain to become a harem king for Good path and Owner of the pimp organization for the Dark path. Like the path of the 2 sisters Em and Rose also some others like Stacy eva luna cuz its kinda interesting what will end up with them once the game completed.

    Been playing games in my entirelife especially RPG turnbased or whatever it is. I hate VN i rather watch hentai or read some manga. Though still okay with this game since you still have to go to somewhere to get through with the story of the girls. It's just feels like lacking some kinda mini game? It's just my opinion though. Hopefully there's an easy way to get all of the scenes from dark path and good path like you could go to that specific scene on extras and choose from the option again? I kinda hate repeating the game for the 3rd time just to see the scenes that you missed. But overall still a good game! :)

    Looking forward about the Story of it.
    Still i give this 5 for me. :)
    I hope you could create another game with pregnancy with it. lol
    Moreee power to yaa!! I wish i could donate but im just a pleb, hopefully i could donate so i could support you
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very high in content brothel recruitment game. Better than the others i've tried for sure. Good corruption routes and gets very dark, but thankfully there is a lighter route as well. Would get 5 stars if not made in koikatsu engine, because it makes the animations repetitive and that's my only criticism.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Story ★★★✰✰
    Pretty straight forward corruption game, it tries to add some romantic feelings here n there but it all comes down to making the girls horny by using your drugs, or without them.

    Characters / Animations ★★★★✰
    Everything is decently animated, a lot of unique animations per character, renders and backgrounds in general are great for what the engine has to offer.

    Walkthrough / Journal ★✰✰✰✰
    The journal is just so lacking. It should make it clear what the player is missing instead of saying "finish other quests" well damn, the other quests are also missing other quests, and the chain continues.
    Maybe there could be a clear indication of what which character you have to work on next. Perhaps a ❗ mark to show that questline is BEHIND the others, and should be put on focus.
    The journal clearly worked better for the early game, but the later you get in the story the more of a mess it becomes, possibly more-so if you pick different paths for Corruption/Romance per character. Perhaps it gets confused of which path you're doing and starts asking for nonsense.

    Coding/Script ★★✰✰✰
    This is my 6th time playing this game (I always start a new game every time there is an update) and not once have I been able to 100% it. I always get myself locked out of content just because I did one thing before the other, when there is no clear warning that this choice is dangerous and can lock you out of other characters, if you haven't finished their stories yet.
    And I don't mean locked out properly, I'd be fine with that, but for example when my quest tells me to talk to someone at their home when they're locked at school for the rest of the playthrough, it's pretty frustrating.

    I just want to see the message "This is it for this version." on every character to feel fulfilled.

    TL;DR / Overall ★★✬✰✰

    The game starts out well, until the point where you have to choose good or dark path, then everything gets messy, depending on your choices before and after, it can cause errors if you're being irregular.
    Perhaps go full dark or full good path, without playing favorites.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    A very good game, with a lot of animations and a lot of great Waifus.
    Story is good too, not the best one out here but it's good to support the great animations and beautiful waifus.
    The romance with few characters are just wonderful, my personal favorite is Elsa, but lotta great characters here.

    Best Regards for the future updates man. eagerly waiting for more wonderful scenes, continuation of the story and more development with the characters, hope there would be more kissing and hugging and handholding ;)

    10/10 a Masta piece
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the corruption system and the stories, except for the ntr. One more thing that makes me give the review a 4 star is because the guide, pointer or the walkthrough in game is really confusing me.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    "Lewd Town Adventures" Is a really, really misleading title. I picked up this game because I wanted to play some quick and dirty harem game one night and wow. This one's a doozy.

    This is NOT a quick and dirty harem game. This is a brutal and depraved rollercoaster ride down to hell. Yeah, there are plenty of girls and lots of sex, but just about all of it is morally dubious (incest and smashing "totally legal" girls are the least of your qualms here) and if you're into the lovey-dovey stuff, that you were probably expecting to find in this game, you'll be playing with a gnawing sensation that none of this is right.

    It's also a harem story done right. Meaning things aren't just about sex and getting girls. I'm not going to elaborate more because it'll be spoilers, so just go into things confident you're in for a compelling story to follow.

    I'm not without my criticism though. I haven't played in a few updates but quite a few early sex scenes were due for a redo to up the resolution and quality. Quite a few story scenes too. Besides that there's an issue where if you play these sandbox-type games following one girl's story to the end, then start another's, you might find yourself in a girl's story where they talk about things that haven't happened yet in another story. It's not game-breaking or too immersion-breaking, what with rollback and just going to do other stories first, but it does hold the game back from a 5/5.

    There's a lot more I want to write about but I think this is one to go into totally blind. Just know it's a heavy one, and that it's a good one. Leave your bleeding heart at the door though.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    truly amazed by the amount of content that has been created for this game in such a short period of time.

    the dark path is better than almost any other game. it's not cartoonishly evil, but at the same time it's also not too disturbing.
    animations are solid.
    the breadth of archetypes is immense.
    avoids the annoying parts of sandbox games where you have to collect items or complete quests.

    the only piece of constructive criticism i have is that the dialogue could be tightened up a bit. it feels very maximalist in its approach. less is more. editing it down would help.

    overall, the devs should really be proud of their game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good approach, good context, well developed characters, ton of good humour, very good story build up.

    It is noticible when devs put a heart to the game. It has big big potential.
    Stomachache bc of laughter is gurantee. Rordon Gamsey, Side peeing, Chads
    come on this is so well done. Game is too good to abandon it, such a gem.

    I would look forward to some more features for example:
    - some customization (maybe another clothes, car or home interior)
    - more Tanya please
    - add "skip time a bit" button on the map select
    - maybe phone feature (text, call other characters)
    - maybe dating characters feature
    - and most important (atleast for me) some content/features to keep on playing after the end of the story

    Overall even tho it's not fully completed I would give 4.5/5 , but still enjoyable and worth giving a try. I'll definitely keep on supporting this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so much, There has a good and dark path so it's perfect. And it has a very creative storyline, smooth animation, beautiful characters, so it's not boring. I hope this game is always updated, I will definitely always follow it. LOVE THIS GAME ❤
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Lewd Town Adventures is a great game with surprisingly good characterization and plot elements. For a game that, on the surface, appears to be largely a slapstick fuckfest, there is a lot of character development and interesting story going on.

    There's a lot of content for both the good and bad paths, as well as some minor mild/wild differences in some scenes within a path. Despite the small file size, there's something like 20,000+ images packed away.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    From MC to other characters I personally liked this game in terms of design and choices of how you can alter your paths. Darker paths have darker themes and love path has wholesome themes ,Overall a perfect game.
    In future I would love to see repeatable both good and dark paths specially for Hilda ()
    I really hope this game gets a lot of love and appreciation which this game deserves to the fullest and I'm looking forward to more new updates since after a long time I have seen such game with so much calibre to input any sorts of ideas . A very perfect game for all sorts of users who will be continuing at their own risk. It's a must recommended game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with enormous amount of content.
    Usually when you open indie eroge vn you get good short game with 5 arts or boring plot for 100500 hours. But this game is good plot for 100500 hours, lol.
    There is only two minuses: no lolis, only as episodic characters once per all game and you need to re-play it to get all scenes in one root (it is a problem of all non-linear games so probably not a minus at all)
    7/10 (no loli games cant have more than 7/10), will waiting for next updates