Unity - Completed - Electric Shock Academy [v1.08] [Playmeow]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Some scenes and art are ok and the programming works, which is why it's not getting 1 star, but the design is extremely bad. It's presented as if it's a management game but it's really a CYOA where incorrect choices lead to inevitable fail states. There is no gradual decline allowing time to adjust, you either passed or you didn't.

    Probably the most clear cut example of a variable the user is shown being a worthless trap is the "political support" meter. It gives you a numeric value, e.g. 10/10 or 20/40. The maximum value goes up over time. You might think this is a good thing because it would give you more of a buffer to lose some support, but that's not how it works at all. If your maximum rises to 40, you must try to reach 40 as soon as possible, or you'll fail. 30/40 is a fail state once a day or two passes. In this case, why is the maximum even increasing? Why is it represented by a fraction? The other two variables you have (control over students; support from parents) both have values you're trying to keep at a maximum, and then they decline over time, and you take actions to increase them back to the cap. Political support should be the same way, but it's not - for seemingly no reason other than to confuse the player.

    After about the 4th time I died due to some random BS of not realizing I was supposed to do X by Y date or else, I gave up. Have not finished, but played long enough to know this is poorly designed.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Tediously slow. The game casts itself as a manager, but the timing of events and the rate of stat decay means there is exactly one correct sequence of actions that won't lead to a failstate - and even then, it's dependent on RNG. 80% of the game's playtime is loading screens and repetition of the completely fluff "Parent testimonials" every day.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Playmeow/banana King Classic. Generic Art (probably AI generated), mediocre h game story with a meh spin (Chinese Re Education Camp Simulator), Same systems/gameplay as BK (banana king) and PM (Playmeow) games Linear (some of their games have different endings but it's bad) story (this game has "multiple endings" but that's giving it too much credit, it just pushes you into one direction and the multiple endings might just be slight text changes).

    Complete fcking waste of time, gameplay goes like watching a repeated H scene multiple times while waiting for bar to tick. It's like watching a clock tick as your life expires wasting time playing this shit. You press slow to gain more points, then go fast when symbol changes. Repeat ad infinitum. Just unlock CG to look at the mediocre CGs (they might be passable but the artstyle lacks passion, it seems so soulless like AI generated).

    On the bright side you get to play as a Chinese concentration camp director so there's that. Not many games like that.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Mark Foxanard

    Terrible game design. More loadings than Starfield. Unreasonable difficulty, where you can just constantly lose for some nonsensical reasoning, with basically no time to properly manage anything. And reloading saves is a chore, because there are a bunch of repeatable events, just constantly wasting your time. This is also not Ren'Py, so fast forwarding is long and tiresome. All in all, I would rate it 0/10. Literally unplayable.