4.60 star(s) 45 Votes


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
You shouldn't apologize. You made this once great project greater and you very active on q/a.

What i meant was, I think if you guys continue to develop SR24 things will go smoother eventually (its own thread, compatible mods (if you don't already include them that's ;)) and more stable builds( Why the f*ck Mob doesn't take even my fully S bot ))

I wish you success and i hope that you will be able to enjoy this journey.

not cheesy much i hope.
Thanks for the kind words. :)

The first version of SR24 included other mods and it created a lot of problems. In the second version I omitted all mods except the ones I wrote and the example mod that Radnor wrote called "whore". I will not incorporate other mods into SR24, it causes too many problems.

The most common reasons why the mob doesn't accept a bot are:
  • It's on a mission at the time
  • It's Integrity is not 100%
  • It's Stability is not 100%
  • It's marked "Do not sell"
  • You missed one part that's rated too low
  • You trained it in Sex when they wanted a Combat bot this time (or vice versa)
Oct 28, 2021
In vanilla SR24 there is only one S rated bot. Luxury bots are never at the flea market and she's a rare find when scavenging at the dump. Only rich, lazy assholes throw away S rated bots!
oh yeah I ironed out a quick way to buy an s grade bot even earned the tech skill and found another s grade bot at the dump slightly banged up but I fixed her up
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Jul 14, 2020
Thanks for the kind words. :)

The first version of SR24 included other mods and it created a lot of problems. In the second version I omitted all mods except the ones I wrote and the example mod that Radnor wrote called "whore". I will not incorporate other mods into SR24, it causes too many problems.

The most common reasons why the mob doesn't accept a bot are:
  • It's on a mission at the time
  • It's Integrity is not 100%
  • It's Stability is not 100%
  • It's marked "Do not sell"
  • You missed one part that's rated too low
  • You trained it in Sex when they wanted a Combat bot this time (or vice versa)
I had made sure all of these and made a couple of them but i should at least send you a save for this... Soo im beginning to another playthrough D: .

I like mods when they adds more content to game AND doesn't look like scraps put together, i say other people think mostly that way too. So if not compatible there is no need to them.

Thanks for your care :).
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Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Hi Everyone, I suspect there are a lot of people who are either happy or pissed off that the moderator's mistake drew attention to this page a couple of days ago. For example, there was a new review posted by someone who really doesn't like SR24 and provides valid criticism.

Anyway, for those of you who enjoy the game I thought I'd provide you with a little help getting your favorite bot mods to work in SR24 if they aren't compatible. It requires editing the bot mod's .json file. This is not difficult but if you're unfamiliar with programming you can mess it up pretty easily by accidentally deleting or inserting an extra character. If you are uncomfortable editing .json files I suggest making copies of the original files before you start so if something goes wrong you can try again. Starting over is probably easier than trying to find the character you accidentally deleted or inserted while using cut, copy, paste. You can use any text editor to edit .json files, I'm partial to 'Notepad++' myself.

Below is a link to an MS Word doc that describes two ways to make incompatible bot mods work in SR24. One is 'brute force' - just change the bot to use all SR24 parts. This is pretty easy to do and might work best for people who aren't familiar with editing .json files. The other is trying to keep as much of the mod author's intent as possible. Depending upon the specific bot mod involved this could be easy or difficult. I've never used very many bot mods so it focuses on working with ShakyMod_Parts, Daedalron bots, and YuriShikane bots which are my favorites.



Nov 8, 2017
Hello everyone.
I am making a Bots, Part Bots, Slot, Deflect editor.
I am finalizing it. I already use it for myself.
I hope to publish it by the end of the weekend with a doc.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like.



Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Hello everyone.
I am making a Bots, Part Bots, Slot, Deflect editor.
I am finalizing it. I already use it for myself.
I hope to publish it by the end of the weekend with a doc.

Here's a screenshot of what it looks like.

View attachment 3556286
You are writing an interface to edit game the bots .json file indirectly, right? As long as you leave it to bots go for it! I'm confident that editing bot default parameters won't cause problems. Changes will not affect bots you already own if you have saved games but of course they will affect any bots you acquire afterwards.

Just a word of caution: If you try changing other things in the game code I suspect there will be problems because the game code frequently depends on default parameters actually having the default values. Many things are completely safe to change (give the MC money or upgrade his stats are examples) but I'm pretty sure changing some things would break the game. I'm not that good a programmer so my code is much more fragile than Radnor's! Cheers!


Nov 8, 2017
You are writing an interface to edit game the bots .json file indirectly, right? As long as you leave it to bots go for it! I'm confident that editing bot default parameters won't cause problems. Changes will not affect bots you already own if you have saved games but of course they will affect any bots you acquire afterwards.

Just a word of caution: If you try changing other things in the game code I suspect there will be problems because the game code frequently depends on default parameters actually having the default values. Many things are completely safe to change (give the MC money or upgrade his stats are examples) but I'm pretty sure changing some things would break the game. I'm not that good a programmer so my code is much more fragile than Radnor's! Cheers!
I read all the "json" of: parts, slot, defect and bots and for example when creating or modifying a bot the list of parts can be selected.
I don't touch the code or the MC info at all.
It's just to help those who don't understand json files.
(forget a ", {, ], ...).
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Sep 2, 2017
Just 're-stumbled' upon this game - greatly enjoyed the original, certain to love the newer SR24 version too.
Thank you for your efforts!


Sep 12, 2017
Hey i'm sorry to ask but not sure to understand, is it possible to raise the autonomy of a bot or it's set for ever and i have to find a better bot ?


New Member
Dec 14, 2022
Hey i'm sorry to ask but not sure to understand, is it possible to raise the autonomy of a bot or it's set for ever and i have to find a better bot ?
autonomy is raised as bot learns new things, so if don't wanna do it all by yourself, you should install good enough processor and bot will be learning by itself. while its working


Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
Where can I find the image assets to go along with Daedalron_bots_SR24_v3.2.json? I've downloaded all the "how to"-type files that have been uploaded and searched the thread, but I still can't find them. Happy to admit I'm stupid if the answer is simple.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
I am surprised this gets so much traffic since it's an unfinished abandoned game. What am I missing?


Active Member
Mar 5, 2019
I am surprised this gets so much traffic since it's an unfinished abandoned game. What am I missing?
another member has been given permission from the original creator to make his own versiuon of the game using all of his assets. it is listed as SR24 in the download area.


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
would it be possible to update the tinker bots and stabilize bots buttons to try and target the most damaged bots/parts first?
I've often wished for that too. If I do something, and I'm not sure I will, it would work both ways: bots with low social skill would work on the easy ones first and only bots with higher social skill would do what you want. ;) Seriously, the idea will go on the "some day" list. Cheers!


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Where can I find the image assets to go along with Daedalron_bots_SR24_v3.2.json? I've downloaded all the "how to"-type files that have been uploaded and searched the thread, but I still can't find them. Happy to admit I'm stupid if the answer is simple.
The same assets work for both DSCS and SR24. Only the .json file is different. Assets are pictures and videos so there are no compatibility issues.
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Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
another member has been given permission from the original creator to make his own versiuon of the game using all of his assets. it is listed as SR24 in the download area.
Actually Radnor published the source code and allowed anyone to use it within reason. I took him up on it making SR24 and I'm grateful for the opportunity. I couldn't create this myself but it's a great learning experience for me and fun too! :)
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Oct 19, 2018
Where can I find the image assets to go along with Daedalron_bots_SR24_v3.2.json? I've downloaded all the "how to"-type files that have been uploaded and searched the thread, but I still can't find them. Happy to admit I'm stupid if the answer is simple.
As Squirrel mentioned, the SR24 version use the same assets as the DSCS version.
You can get to the post where I have the Mega link to the assets in my signature.
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
So the named mob bot folder files end up extracted to
\SR24-0.5.1-win\game\mods\0050_base_content\assets\images\mod_bots\, that works.
I'm unfamiliar with the original game and just started playing the modded version. It looks like the "vanilla" images are stored at \SR24-0.5.1-win\game\mods\0050_base_content\assets\images\bots\.

squirrel24 , do you think that as you tinker more with the game you could make one change to the workshop mechanics? "Tinker", "Tinker bots". and "Stabilize bots" don't pull from the the most damaged potential bot or part, so you can blow all your points for a time period on "Stabilize bots" several time cycles in a row fixing 1-3% repairs and still have one bot descend into being completely unstable. It would be awesome if the function worked its way up from worst to best instead of randomly selecting a bot or part.
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4.60 star(s) 45 Votes