RPGM - Completed - Black Souls II [v1.13 Official translation] [Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll keep this review as spoiler free as possible.

    // Story
    The story is complex, hard to get, and hidden, hence the reference to dark souls in the name. If you start to like this game, you will fall into the rabbit hole (wink).

    So much things are well thought out as all the gameplay mechanics have an in-game explanation. NPC's are interesting and some will give a real challenge to discover their story arc or even to be discovered.

    // Replayability
    Replayability is the way to go, trying different things, finding out about what really is happening and what to do. That also means the first playthrough can be frustrating, as NPC tend to disappear or die without you knowing why, and that was the case for me.
    The game really begins when you finished it once, because you will stop discovering the layout of the map, but focus on what yours and the NPC's stories are.

    // Difficulty - Gameplay ( and darksouls-ery)
    Concerning the difficulty, the game will test you many times. Few would be given to you and if you do not like that, there is a way to grind rapidly to avoid the difficulty.
    It is not the way to go though, and the last DLC3 will catch up on you anyway.

    Gameplay wise, there is a lot of fun to establish strategies to beat your opponents instead of just grinding and mash one button in the fights.
    Contrary to Dark Souls, as this game is made on RPG maker, all buffs/debuffs are displayed to hint you on what to do. Also, the bosses weakness or types are easy to guess.

    // Music
    The OST (BGM in RPG Maker language) is really cool with some bangers, and all fit really well their environments (except you Infinite Food).

    // Art
    Maps are well designed with intrisic details, H-scenes have a dedicated style of art, that is the same in BlackSouls. There is so much variety, many zones/biomes and in each of the screens, consistency and details.

    // Content
    The map is HUGE, many environment, many enemies, many bosses, many objects, many builds possible, ... the content is there, and boy does it gives ! And again, almost everything has a meaning.

    When I thought I knew everything and spent some time in the comments, the theories of the players struck me. There were many theories based on details I missed because it was for me just a gameplay/environment element (and also surely because I am french and I can skip details of the english languages), and the consistency tends to make them right.

    // Conclusion (finally ?!)
    I thought to spend a day or two on that game, and I still today do not stop discovering new things ; even more after spending some time in the japanese wiki. It is not my type to use a translator to decipher a site to uncover what it contains, and the reward was there.

    The creator of this game made such an amazing work, it has to be recognized. So like in the golden age of piracy, try it, play it, 100% it, but think that if you want more content like that, and you have some money to spare, think about funding him by paying it.

    PS: Notice that I talked about the H part of this H-RPG only once in the review. It is always there, but there is so much beyond that that the game would still have been amazing without (at the loss of some character design, art, and world depiction).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5, I strongly recommend playing.

    Despite this game being an RPGM, it feels highly developed with a large amount of content. It's art style is unique and caught my attention. It has an open map, multiple endings, with a ton of replayability.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Black Souls is a fairly unknown game, but its fan base, though small in number, are some of the most craziest fanatics for this game. Down right cult-level, actually. And I'm one of them, so obviously I'd be rating this a 5/5.

    I also like how the Black Souls community also seem to be huge Tatsuki Fujimoto fans as well. I think Fire Punch does offer some resemblance to Black Souls in terms of story and atmosphere so if you end up liking BS, I'd recommend that as well.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    came for the porn stayed for 100% the game, honestly i had begun to get used to most rpg makers game being shoddy good for nothing cg dumps to the point i had forgotten that rpg maker games could, to everyones surprise, be fun.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpg games ever. No, one of THE best games of all time. If you're looking for a casual play through and a quick wank then it's not for you. You need dedication to play this and a iron stomach due to its heavy themes and imagery.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is so much worse than the first one. At least for me.

    There are several things that makes this game bad.
    The story seems to be decent like the first one but i dont care cause the game makes it extremely hard to get to any story. If you dont know what youre doing most npcs will die or at the very least you wont be able to progress anymore which existed in the first game aswell but it wasnt that harsh. Also in the first game it was a bit easier to understand the world progression since it is based on fogs cleared that usually indicates a boss fight. In this sequel i dont have a fucking clue if there is something like world progression at all or what it is based on.

    Also lets talk about the strength of the enemies. They are overpowered af. If you want to actual fight the enemies you either have to fight every single enemy on your way to collect souls to level up which is tiring since the way is inflated with random placed enemies which respawn after 5 seconds or you grind the shit out of early game enemies. At some point you start ignoring enemies entirely cause if you dont grind you probably fall behind in terms of power. Also the enemies drop way too few souls for my taste which wasnt a problem in the first game.

    Also personally the atmosphere of the game is very depressing. Its constantly dark except for some few places and the design of the individual screens feel soulless. Especially the first area which should give the player a taste of the game design is extremely irritating. Randomly placed doors at walls and stuff laying around. Black Souls I had similar areas but it was way later in the game and its purpose was to confuse the player when he finds the optional area. But to make the Wonderland the first area is a complete letdown to the very pretty designed forest of the first game. I dont even understand why they designed the beginning of Black Souls II like this when all they had to do is to make a coherent and logical game start. It felt less irritating for me cause i played the first game but it still is a very bad start for a new story to begin with the randomly disigned wonderland.

    Also i dont get the trolls. Why? Why would you create contraptions where you die for the sake of dying? And why can you fall of ledges which are very hard to identify in the first place? These things just worsens the experience of the player when he accidently walked of a ledge cause he didnt know he could fall down there. Especially when it is build in a way that invites you to accidentily run of a higher position cause you run away from enemies which you avoid fighting.

    For the h-scenes i guess they got a bit better since the first game had very repetetive stuff while the second one got quite a variety like panty peeking and even the usual rape differs slightly more but i could imagine things at that point. But the real question is is it worth playing just for some lewd artworks? In my opinion no game is worth playing if the gameplay is not captivating enough no matter the h-scenes.

    The better question would be would this game have been better if the first game never existed? The short answer is yes. The long answer is that with the knowledge of what is possible and what already existed the game was a very great disappointment to the very much superior Black Souls I. But to be honest i wouldnt even like the game if i never heard of the first one. It is just too damn tiring to play and at some point after several hours i capitulated and began writing this review instead of continuing playing. So i didnt reach any ending but i dont think the endings are so amazing that it makes the game worth playing.

    edit: I think Black Souls I is a masterpiece though. You should give it a try if you only played the sequel.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I finished the game at ending G (true end) and end H (hardest end), the rest you can meet in the first play or watch youtube.
    The game is very difficult but still can be completed, you go on a journey to collect fairy books and in the journey there will be girls who make a contract and help you. In return, when you play without a guide, you will miss the end G and some girls die (this happened during my run so some people will be different)
    The game's graphics can be said to be strange, the plot is okay at the level of the game series with the word "souls"

    I recommend you to try this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    it is extremely good. huge, huge lore for the main cast and there are plenty of them.

    note that I only played this completely by following the guide. and there are still some hanging questions that hopefully gets answered in the sequel.

    this is a work of art and passion.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The most impressive RPGMaker game I've played.

    With the screenshots not showing much, I skipped over this a few times but the reviews eventually made me give it a try.

    The story and lore is very well thought out and super compelling. Like the others said, the game itself is great without the h scenes; The characters are well-written, the lore is quite deep, and the choices and branches in the story are impactful and plentiful. The h scenes feel much more fitting and complimentary than a large majority of other titles which makes them quite engaging.

    Gameplay didn't feel too grindy for me, and bosses were unique and interesting to fight. There are ways to power level and cheese bosses, though for the main game and DLC 1/2 I didn't feel any need to. The third DLC was a major difficulty spike though and something to watch out for.

    There is also a vast number of items and weapons and therefore a lot of customization in how you want to build and play. Exploration and multiple playthroughs are encouraged and highly rewarded; You keep the majority of your progress so you can focus on the story and choices, which was a huge plus for me.

    For anyone doubting the art style and gameplay like I did, I'd say definitely give it a shot. The art style fits very well into the grim atmosphere of the game and I grew to actually like it. You'll gain an experience that is hard to ever forget.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A superbly executed sequel to the original Blacksouls!

    This game stands out among the crowd as one of the few where the combat and story take center stage, surpassing even the H-scenes themselves. Every step of the way, you'll find yourself thoroughly engrossed and thoroughly entertained. The gameplay follows in the footsteps of Darksouls, allowing you to explore a vast open world filled with diverse creatures, challenging mini-bosses like the night spirit, and formidable main bosses. The game's exceptional lore adds an extra layer of uniqueness, making it a must-play for any gaming enthusiast.

    However Just a advice, use magpie since the game fullscreen will change your resolution so if you have multiple displays it will become messed as well as the game should be upscaled like that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPG's I've ever played and a shining example of an adult game with actual gameplay. The story and characters are superb and the lore is deep.

    TLDR: If you are an adult videogame *enjoyer* and think that the gameplay of your average VN doesn’t quite cut it, then this game is a fucking must-play. I would in fact recommend this game even without its adult content, that’s how good it is.

    The characters are good, even with their limited interactions. The sex scenes are hot and plentiful, the dialogues can be heart-warming and entertaining. The horrible things you have to do to get to the end of the story (and fill your basement) makes the journey and the characters even more unforgettable. (Sorry Prickett and RRH. Retard bird Dodo is still best waifu) It's also one of the few games that made me cry like a bitch. (3 fucking times none the less)

    The lore had me re-reading dialogue, sort screenshots and read the forums for days. I re-played some parts with the other game translation and read up on the IRL. connections. I even played BS1 and RRW for context. (BS1 is pretty good too, but not BS2 Tier.)

    The gameplay among the best I've seen in an RPG maker game, its "AP-Turn" system feels fresh. At some point near DLC 3 your bullshit OP strats will make you feel like a demi-god and the system slowly falls apart. But then the game counters you by introducing new, even bullshittier mechanics, forcing you to abuse the system to the max. Boss fights in the late game usually take a few turns, but can take over 20 IRL. minutes of using 0 action buffs and having EVERY turn count, by making your character switch between and use 5 different weapon a single nanosecond.
    This game is hands down the best gameplay experience I've ever had in an RPG maker game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This and its prequel is one these rare series of games where the art isn't what you in it for. Dont get me wrong its charming in its own way which also makes it great but taking something so simple that other devs use aswell but make the combat fun and wants to make you grind is honestly a skill that sadly doesn't happen with rpgmaker games. I seen BS talked about before on here but also wrote it off since the art wasn't the strong point. Now after playing tons of Hgames especially ones that uses rpgmaker i thought i give it a go. Now my standard has been set high from games using the engine because having fun gameplay loop and interesting wolrd/lore even if its taking from something else is crucial for me atleast. You can make countless Hgames with some amazing art but if you dont have something in between all the "lewd" stuff it becomes boring fast and people just unlock the CG or looks it up elsewhere myself included. But BS i got hours and hours in both 1 and 2 and again much of the assets are whats been used forever but gets used probably and fitting. I played heart of darkness and the fear and hunger games aswell and seriously hoping we get more from every series because they have been some the most fun and engaging games i played. My biggest wish for if theres ever come a BS3 is more custom made things but i highly highly recommend the series for anyone on the fence. But i urge to play the first one since there is bits and pieces of things in 2 you find from the prequel but it isn't a must.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Not a boy

    You play this game not for the H-Scene but the story and challenging combat, And for that I give it full star.
    You should really play the first game first if you want the full impact of the story.
    you fist play thought should be a blind one then in New game +, follow the guide.. or not.. just play the first game first or the story will become very confusing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i was first drawn in by the rough, and dark art style, very quickly, however, I would see and hear much more then i was expecting. the music selection for this game sets the mood of where / what your doing fantastically and i was hooked immediately with the mysterious vibe i got upon walking out of the spawn area.

    this game does many things right, one of which is it's setting. taking place in wonderland from alice in wonderland, a twisted version of it mixed with some industrial revolution era London environment. i don't think I've seen a game with such a unique environment like black souls. uniqueness is not it's only feature but the level design and music pairing for the environment is also great.

    very memorable characters, many of which come from fairy tales you might already know about. you can make pledges with them to give unique buffs. they may seem cold and uncaring to you at first but they'll warm up pretty quicky if they don't already like you

    in wonderland... you are free, truly free. though there is a main goal, once you spawn in you're let loose on the world to do whatever you feel. there's no one few around to judge you and even fewer around to actually punish you for anything you do. your free to be as selfish and evil or benevolent and self-sacrificing as you please. plunge the world further into darkness or be the shining light it needs, at the end of the day, you'll probably still get laid either way (or if you want, chastity is also an option).

    this game's lore is plentiful, especially for a h game. the main character starts off with few memories and little knowledge of the world around him. he'll regain memories as time goes on letting you piece together what's going on. things may be much more complex then they initially seem leading to an amazing, interesting, and emotional story.

    lots of inspiration comes from HP Lovecraft and classic fairytales, a strange but well made combination of the two that i personally liked

    there are a few things that could have been done better still. letting us bring companions along to fight would have made for better emotional bonding,
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    , although the artstyle is unique and conveys the feel of the game well, being erotic is a different issue and aside from a few specific scenes i didn't find myself too attracted (at least in terms of lust) to many scenes. and lastly balance can be a bit weird at times between one-shotting enemies and getting one shot.

    i definitely recommend this game, however. it stands on its own even without the lewd and my 60+ hours of playtime can attest to it. many girls i absolutely love and adore, even cute despite being portrayed in such a dark art style

    solid game i wish had more attention. merriphillia best girl.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly well written and coded, sen mechanic is something that I've never before seen in games (Bloodborne insight is to sen what pacman is to a modern triple A game).

    H-Content is subpar however, mostly because the H-content is subordinate to the mood/theme of the game instead of vice-versa.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    i thought at first that it would be the same as BS1 but how wrong was I.
    50 hours in with end H done on sl1 dif9 and base stats lower than 5k aaand almost every item obtainable...(yikes).

    anyway with that out lemme say the following:
    with how deep it went compared to the prequels im just amazed mainly by how deep the story is, how unique and original the art style is, how open the game is, how seemingly simple yet complex mechanics can be used and mostly by how every small matter might be a game changer.

    If there is something I dont like it would be multiple ones.
    1.how after a certain point you can just breeze through anything not dlc3 related.
    2.now the idea of play fields where some stuff are banned in dlc3 fights was a good one while some where good like nurse call, some of the bosses(mainly Unis and playwright himself) was just extremely annoying like the amount of rng was just ridiculous with playwright like i tank the first 5 hits then the rest its either first few hits then game over or the worse one losing on the last hit of his turn which can take alot of tries just to get past the first turn of his.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Dental Planger

    Likely one the better H-"JRPGs" out there. Combat against bosses is lots of fun. Good use of public music. Good atmosphere(especially the Asylum's).
    A lot of great waifus(Pricket, "Miranda", Node, Mabel, Bill) and some very fappable sex scenes(looking at you, Bill).
    The VN section on DLC 3 was also very entertaining and probaly the best part of the game. I highly recomment toro to put more of these in his next games.
    I guess my biggest gripe with the game is that sometimes there are too many enemies on the map and you end up taking too long to one shot them one encounter at a time once your OP. Something like what Earthbound did where enemies could swarm would be appreciated.
    That said, I'm giving it an excellent score but only in the framework of indie H-"JRPG" games.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I don't usually play games with very high difficulty here on this forum. But this one, my friends, is simply the game with the best lore from f95z, it is on par with darksouls (of course, with its limitations and properties), and it is indeed worth playing, with due calm, when you get the Anyway, the game doesn't become as difficult as it was.

    - the gameplay is simple but efficient
    - the art is different, it didn't attract me at first glance, but currently I think it's beautiful
    - the soundtrack has a postive point too
    - the lore, simply stunning, wonderful and sometimes confusing*

    * I really miss a wikia about the game, or some way to read about the lore, characters, like we have in Princess Conquest (a game that despite being different I really like), I hope that one day we will have where to read about the lore and its theories.

    (sorry for my bad english, and thanks for reading)
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this, I admit to not playing the first one, but on a porn site, this did nothing at all for me sexually. The writing is nothing special. The sex scenes are censored, and honestly it just looks like a bunch of cartoons that aren't drawn very well in my opinion. I had to stop, maybe this might be for a lot of people, but if you are looking for something erotic, it did nothing for me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPG's I've ever played. The story is great, and the gameplay is the best I've ever seen in RPG maker. I'd seriously say this game is better than most of the triple a games that have come out in the last few years.