Identify RPGM Kidnap Game


New Member
Sep 24, 2020
I'm looking for a Japanese RPGM game. All I can remember is that the MC (male) was some sort of alchemist/chemist and that he lived in a cabin. He kidnaps a female adventurer (not sure) in the woods and keeps her in a room in the back of the cabin. I remember the map to be basically L shaped where the top left is the cabin and goes down to the forest with the very bottom right being the outskirts of a town.


Active Member
May 11, 2020
Is the MC are black man and the Female adventurer dressing like a Nun?

If not, then add few detail:
- What does MC look like, or his 1st kidnapped girl look like.
- Is it Animated?
- When is the last time you played this game?